Opinions wanted


New member
I am preparing to sell a 300 gal reef tank that is about 18 months new. I have well over $12,000 invested and I want some opinions as to how much would be a reasonable price to ask for a quick sale.
Your opinion is very much appreciated..
I would suggest picking a number you can live with and add 15% to it for room for negotiation. If you just have to get out of it right now, put up a number you would cry to let it go for and then subtract 10%.
if it were me... id try and get back as close of what u spent on it.
if its still reasonably new and in execllent condition someone will pay the cash wanted. good luck.

Not trying to burst your bubble but you'll be lucky to get half. Your best bet is to part out as much as possible but still I'd say about 1/2. I've never seen anyone get what they spent out unless it was tons of DIY
I would think if you don't want to part out your honestly looking in the $3k range. Parting out would get you probaby close to double that.

Sell the livestock first, then live rock, then all the equipment peice by peice and the tank/stand.

The larger the tank the more neccessary to part out it becomes. There are very few who want/can afford/have room for a 300G but the equipment can be used on many sized tanks.
yeah now days its seems to do better if you part out stuff, plus you end up with quite a bit more money.