Orange cap


New member
I just recently bought a orange cap and it had nice colors until I noticed It was bleaching.What cam I do to help this guy?My calcium is 400pm and alk is a little lower.Any help
I'd raise that alk to at least 2.97 on the second Seifert scale. I'm getting good color out of a purple monti, and I have it about 20" from the light with 430 cal, 2.97 alk, 1300 mg. Not a clue what it likes, but it has to be one of those situations.
I've seen both bleaching and tissue loss (I havn't had much luck with sps corals in the past) and that sounds like tissue lost. I would break of the white portion and see what happens from there.
I agree: if there is a truly isolat-able bad area, frag it off and discard. But try to get that water immaculately balanced to make the wound heal well. Don't break it unless it's just a small area and the tissue is clearly gone. Then break it so that there's only good tissue left. You wouldn't have any pix of the situation, would you?