Orange zoas


Premium Member
I've had these zoas for nearly a year now... Pulled a single polyp out of a frag bin. They were solid neon orange for nine months and just a few months ago got a bright green center. They remind me of everlasting gobstoppers, but are neon orange instead of red. My cell doesnt take the greatest pics, but I thought I'd share as i've really never seen other orange zoas.



Not a ver clear pic, but shows the color a bit closer to true..


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Thanks! I had a bad nudi outbreak that I finally took care of a few months ago with a 300% dosage of FWE... Those little buggers really decimated a lot of my zoas. The fwe worked, my sps didnt fair so well, but my zoas are now rebounding nicely and since they have always been my favs, the sps losses were taken a bit better.
I hear ya on the nudis.. I've not had them, but 'm going through an aiptasia outbreak. I think maybe come got crushed in my tank, and the legs went everywhere and made new babies? IDK, but they're all popping up inside my zoa frags, and have all but killed off my favorite zoa ( Fire& Ice ).