Order 568853


New member

I'm new to Reef Central but I have shopped with Blue Zoo more than once, for myself and my wife. I wanted to ask about the Maculosus Angel and the Purple Tang, ( order 568853 )I wanted to know if there are any closer to the max size for the price range I could have sent when my order is processed and completed next week? Moreso the Purple Tang than the Angel.

Thanks you guys do good business. My Naso I received a few weeks ago is doing great, wouldn't eat for two weeks but I fixed that with Tang Heaven Red.

On that note these guys actually gave me a call to let me know that the batch of Nasos they had weren't looking too good and that it would be wise for me to wait, so I told them to just keep the Naso until they felt he was ready to ship which they did and also called me to let me know. That kind of business keeps a guy like myself because you care about me caring for the fish and the fish itself because if he had came sickly I'd have been mad and definately would think twice about ordering again but as went well. You guys are great if you keep that kind of mentality. Thanks

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Hey Richard. Thanks for the comments. We appreciate it.

Both fish in that size range are running around 3-3.5". The tangs look really good this time around. We switched to a different supplier recently which drove the price of the fish up a little but they are showing in much better shape so it is worth it.

The angels look good too and we will follow your instructions and get you the largest one we have in that size range.

Have a great day and welcome to RC. :)
I received the wreath today, they look great. I'm finishing up the acclimation process as we speak. The great thing about you guys sending them a day later is that today is my birthday so it was a good treat, even though I forgot until the phone calls started coming in but that's the reason I chose to have the wreath delivered two weeks later than the order date. Again, the wreath look great and I appreciate the service.

Pomacanthus Maculosus and Zebrasoma Xanthurum
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Well HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!

That is a great story. I am glad everything worked out well for you. Have fun with your new animals and have a great birthday. Take care.
Got bad news today

I went to feed the fish today and the tang wouldn't eat. His color was good but refused to eat now he's in the corner sideways, no heavy breathing but obiously stressed.

When I got the Angel in the QT he went straight for the pvc pipe and has been there most of the time coming out to feed and dashing back in. Today however he never came out so I looked inside to make sure he was alive. He was but just hanging sideways as well.

I've done my tests to be sure things are fine and ammona is 0, nitrite is 0 and nitrate is below 20. my ph is between 8.2 - 8.4
Now they are both just lethargic and semi sideway, no heavy breathing and their color seems about normal as the tang has always had bright yellow and deep purple, only when I had my hand in to check the pvc did the tang lose color but it seems to be good- colorwise now. I'm concerned a bit about them making it. I had no trouble with the clowns I purchased and kept in the same qt, I did have some trouble with the Naso and keeping the ammonia down but with these 2 it's like it happened overnight with no warning. AS I've said the angel practically remained in the pvc pipe only coming out to eat and occassionally when you leave the room and return he might be out only to dash back to the pipe.

My temp is between 77 and 78 degrees F
IT'S OK. Goodnews is they seem fine although I am trying to keep an eye on the angel because I think he maybe causing the stress with the Tang (bullying) in this 40 gallon QT. I think the issue with the angel is just acclimating to the qt environment because he still stays in the pvc pipe but I have caught him eating when I hid from his view, both of them actually. Other than that they seem fine and healthy