ok so im getting my tank in a couple of weeks almost got my monet saved up so in what order should i put things in i mean i know live rock and sand go first but planning on putting in zoanthrids maybe a mushroom volitan liongfish foxface and a australian harlequin tusk fish in which order should i place the fish and zoanthrids or the order doesnt really
I agree with all the replies above, but there's an even more pressing concern I would have.
1. Is this a "new" NEW tank, or are you transferring anything from an existing system? If not, "NEW TANK SYNDROME" will be my concern.
2. If not, your system will be very unstable as you will have to first cycle the tank. Ammonia, Trates and Trites will be unstable. If you are cycling with all new make up water, I wouldn't aggressively go adding anything but inexpensive damsels etc.
3. What type of substrate are you using?
4. What type of salt?
5. Tap or RO water?
6. I would strongly advise asking a local reefer or a LFS for some live sand to add to the top layer of your new system to help seed it.
7. I would also ask a local reefer or store for some aged water from their tank. Make sure you get it from a mature system and from someone who truly takes care of their system. This aged water will do wonders for your new system. If not, you will have a tank will have little or no bacteria to accommodate your bioload if you are going to load your system up prematurely. I would really urge you to proceed as slow as possible. Don't rush your system, many have regretted doing so in the past.
There are tons more that I'm concerned with, but I think I'm going overboard.
8. Not trying to sound smart mouth or anything like that, but to you have any reference books on hand?
I feel these issues are far more important at this stage. The initial set up plays a vital role in how the entire system will fare. Please take no offense to anything I've said as I meant it in good faith to help, not hurt. Good luck.
Mucho Reef