Ordering from LiveAquaria.com - Short Notice!


New member
Thinking of placing an order at www.liveaquaria.com, want to have it shipped tomorrow. Shipping is $30 but if anyone else wants to get in on it we'll just divide it by how many people order. In order to get it shipped tomorrow, I will be placing the order by 6:00am tomorrow morning. If anyone wants to get in on it let me know by 9:00 or so tonight. Pickup would be at my house Thursday afternoon/evening.

Sorry for the short notice!
CN-90001 SW - Black and White Percula Clownfish, Tank-Bred (England)

if they have two of these i think i might want them can you find out for sure if they have two i need them young as possible
You can try to call them if you want, but in my past experience with them you are calling an order center in the midwest and the livestock is in California - and they have no way of verifying what is and is not in stock. All you can do is place your order online and when they go to fill the order they will call if something isn't in stock - they are kind of a pain this way. I can put comments in there like requesting mated pair, etc. but there really is no guarantee from them they can fulfill your request.

Also, forgot to mention -- if I don't know you I will need pre-payment before I order for you; I'll send you a PM if this is the case.
Just checked the website on those clownfish - the ones you have listed (CN-90001 SW) are not in stock. If you can't add it to your cart it can't be ordered. Those particular clowns show an "email me" link which means they will email you when they are in stock.
Put me down!

(2) Neon Eviota Goby $16.99 x 2
(1) Male Lyretail Anthias $16.99
(1) Femaile Lyretail Anthias $17.99
(3) Peppermint Shrimp $4.99 x 3

Total: $83.93+shipping
Alright, I can't make up my mind. I hope this doesn't mess you up!

Here is my new order:

Ruby Head Fairy Wrasse $29.99
Longfin Fairy Wrasse $28.99
(3) Peppermint Shrimp $4.99 x 3

New total: $73.95+shipping
I would like 2 of these:

SE-26102 CF - Berghia Nudibranch - Aquacultured, Tiny $ 19.99
I have two orders:

CN-79336 SW - Pincushion Urchin, Blue Tuxedo x 1 - 14.99
CN-78699 SW - Linckia Sea Star, Blue (Fiji) - Medium x 1 - 14.99

Total: 29.98 + shipping. Let me know how short we are of the $225 for free shipping. I might order something else if we are not too far away.
Looks like we hit enough for free shipping already. This is where we are so far:

Reefmaiden: $39.99 total
Blue Star Leopard Wrasse - $39.99

clintrandall: $90.94 total
Ruby Head Fairy Wrasse $29.99
Longfin Fairy Wrasse $28.99
(3) Peppermint Shrimp $4.99 x 3 = 14.97
Neon Eviota Goby $16.99

lhoo: $39.98 total
Berghia Nudibranch - $19.99 x 2 = 39.98

vanmle: $29.98 total
Pincushion Urchin, Blue Tuxedo x 1 - 14.99
Linckia Sea Star, Blue (Fiji) - Medium x 1 - 14.99

kirstenk: $14.99 total
Blue Linkia - 14.99

fliger: $69.99 total
purple porites - $69.99
I'll take two of these guys.

CN-80504 SW - Blue Velvet Nudibranch - $ 23.99

Time to get this flatworm problem under control. Trying to hold off on using the flatworm exit.
Erin and Scott,

I was thinking of the wrasse also, but how did you get yours to eat. That is my biggest fear of getting one.


We got ours to eat by starting it on live blood worms. He took right to them and after that he started eating everything we put in the tank.
Got your order David. I think we'll have to cut it off here due to time.

Dink43K - get back to me ASAP on if you want to be included or not (like in the next 1/2 hour).

Van- let me know if you want a wrasse also.

lhoo- Do you want the spotted mandarin? Green Mandarins are not in stock.