Oregon tort questions


New member
Well to start i have no sps corals and never had any. My lighting is t5 HO (4 bulbs, 55g tank) changed every 6-8 months. Ive been kicking around the idea of trying one stick of sps coral. I stumbled across a guy in orlando that everyone was talking about and he has oregon tort that simply looks amazing. Now i know some sps can be prone to pests like afew right? So what is the care level for oregon tort, what would proper lighting and placement be, is oregon tort a sps coral that can get afew? Last thing i want to do is buy a piece and not be able to care for it. I like the oregon tort so id like to make sure my tank is ready for it and im ready for it before i purchase a frag of one. Thanks in advance, nathan
find yourself a Cali tort if you can, I have an Oregon Tort and i have had it for over a year ( since Reefapalooza 2014) and it has only grown 1/4 to 1/2", I dip all my corals and QT fish so can't comment on pests.
Do yourself a favor contact Emmett at HP corals in Largo and get your acros from him. His stuff is amazing and 1/4 the price of what you will pay from anywhere else. You get large pest free corals. To be honest I don't even dip his corals and never have. He has frags of ORA blue tort often for great prices. Word of caution SPS are addicting:)
To be honest ive never really been interested in sps corals. Looks like a bunch of trees with no leaves to me lol i do say some of them are very colorful tho. I really like bright yellow and vibrant blue corals hence why i like the oregon tort. Figured id give one frag a try. Just didnt want to kill a coral from my lack of knowledge on the particular kind i want. Does that fish store have a FB? havent been to largo in about 4 years now
Try green slimer first if you have not kept sps before. Very discouraging to keep slow growing corals like oregon tort while you still figuring out how to keep sps.
I try to avoid green, most corals are green lol. I understand what your saying tho. If there is an sps thats easy to care for and grows like the green slimer and isnt green then maybe ill try that but i try not to add any more green corals these days
I agree with everyone about Emmett at hp corals. Very good source of info as well. I do know the guy you met that has the Oregon Tort. He is where I got mine. It doesn't grow as fast as the Cali Tort Emmett has but it looks amazing. Cali Tort's appearance is very tank specific. Greens,purples,blues. Sometimes just blue. Anyway Emmett q.t's everything for a minimum of 4 months before it goes on his systems. Q.t. is even in a separate room.
I agree with everyone about Emmett at hp corals. Very good source of info as well. I do know the guy you met that has the Oregon Tort. He is where I got mine. It doesn't grow as fast as the Cali Tort Emmett has but it looks amazing. Cali Tort's appearance is very tank specific. Greens,purples,blues. Sometimes just blue. Anyway Emmett q.t's everything for a minimum of 4 months before it goes on his systems. Q.t. is even in a separate room.

Yup, his stuff rocks and he "has the knack" :)
I said the same thing about sps corals I only want to try one and now that's 80% of my tank the other 20% is the crappy soft corals I can't get rid of unless I dismantle my rocks for new rocks, which will be the case in the near future .....sps the coral drug
Im more into euphyllia, and the hunt for new colors. Everytime i find new euphyllia somewhere i dont look twice at their sps corals, all i see is sticks lol but the blue that the oregon tort has, and the color variation of the cali tort that some have mentioned i do like
Lots of bright sps that's much easier to take care of not green. Look up different montipora species of sps. Much easier to care for. Also the pest that both them are not as common.

I like the forest fire, and orange montipora digita. Never really looked at them before to be honest. I pretty much pick stuff by its color. Usually that leaves me with expensive corals to choose from
Yeah I said I wasn't going to do sps now look..
<a href="http://s1294.photobucket.com/user/mlongnecker11/media/1A39A359-F5B3-4546-B2EE-D0C124773F45_zps9lthyqls.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1294.photobucket.com/albums/b610/mlongnecker11/1A39A359-F5B3-4546-B2EE-D0C124773F45_zps9lthyqls.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo 1A39A359-F5B3-4546-B2EE-D0C124773F45_zps9lthyqls.jpg"/></a>