OrionN's tank video

Thank you. I enjoyed that.
Very impressive, lots of colour, movement, also everyone seems happy.
Good work!
Great looking tank. That Blue Throat Wrasse is gorgeous. I searched the online vendors but could not find this wrasse, can you tell me where you purchased it from?
Great looking tank. That Blue Throat Wrasse is gorgeous. I searched the online vendors but could not find this wrasse, can you tell me where you purchased it from?
This is a newly named Fairy wrasse, Cirrhilabrus cyanogularis. I got him from Petco as an assorted Fairy wrasse. He is on the aggressive side of fairy wrasse and not recommended in medium size tank with other flasher and fairy wrasses.
This is a link to a thread I started on this species:
Thank you Minh, bad news for me. Based on your info, this fish is not suitable for my tank. Too bad, beautiful fish.
Very nice! That gig got BIG ...... What is the black and white wrasse (I think I see a pair of them)? Flames spawning is very cool.