ORR Clownfish Breeding


New member
I am going to use this as my clownfish breeding journal. I have been in the reef hobby for many years on and off and just set up a new reef on 4/28/2017. A few weeks after setting up the new tank my 13yr old daughter wanted to try and breed some clownfish. So a couple weeks after setting up the reef we added a 45g RR frag tank that we sectioned off into 4 compartments and we started looking for clownfish to pair up. We have a Black Ice pair, 2 Lightning Maroon pairs, and we had a Phantom female and Phantom bullet hole male pair but unfortunately the phantom male got picked on so bad we had to removed him and just put the Phantom female in the reef tank. At this point I am thinking about putting the Phantom female with the Lightning maroon male and see if we can get them to pair up since we have one Lightning pair spawing already.
The Black Ice pair and one of the Lightning Maroon pairs have started to spawn. They are on their 3rd clutch of eggs now laid 11/16/2017 and 11/20/2017. We are going to wait a couple more spawns before we try to raise the fry. Everything is ready and rotifer culture is up and running so hopefully within a few more weeks we will have some babies.
I took a couple short videos or the mated pairs today and a video of our reef.
The clownfish broodstock tank is plumbed into the main reef system but it needs some cleaning soon.
Hope you enjoy the videos.
This is our first attempt at raising fry so it will be a learning experience for sure. We have been reading everything we can and believe we have a good understanding of what is required but with that said any advice is greatly appreciated.



Here goes......first attempt to raise clownfish fry. Black Ice pair laid eggs on 11/20/17 so tonight was the 8th night. We decided to give it a go. Pulled the pot from the broodstock tank about 5 minutes before lights out and put into the fry tank. Fry tank is a 10g with all sides blacked out and bottom is all white. Fry tank has a heater and small air stone. Placed pot into fry tank put small airstone inside the pot and covered the top of the tank to black the tank out. 2 hours later uncovered the tank to find well over 100 fry, pulled the pot out, tinted the water with some live nanno and a little nanno paste from brine shrimp direct. Added some rotifers that have been feeding on algae paste, live nanno, and live Iso phyto to the fry tank and turned on the light to the fry tank. So far so good. Wish us luck maybe we can get some of these past meta with a little luck.

2dph and all seems to be thriving so far. Still a long way to go so keeping our fingers crossed.
Video of the fry tank today and one of our rotifer and phyto cultures. We have two 5g buckets of rotifers and Nanno, Tetra, and Iso phyto going. Rotifers are feed Brine Shrimp Direct nanno algae concentrate and they also get some tetra and iso a couple hours before being feed to the fry.
Our Lightning Maroon paid laid another clutch of eggs yesterday so we will be hatching those in about a week in a separate fry tank.


Best of luck!

Can you be a bit more specific on how much live phyto and paste you added?

Thanks Zephrant. If you are referring to the rotifers I feed both buckets which are about 4 gallons full around 1 ml of the Nanno concentrate twice a day. A couple hours before I feed the rotifers to the fry I pull 2 quarts from each bucket and put that into a clean bucket. So about a gallon total of the rotifer cultures go into a new bucket and in that bucket I add a cup each of Tetra and Iso to enrich the rotifers before feeding them to the fry tank. I have been doing this twice a day so far which means I am harvesting about 25% daily from the main rotifer cultures and then just replace with newly made saltwater. When the culture buckets start to get nasty from buildup I am just going to pull most of the culture water and put it in new clean buckets and then clean the 2 used buckets for the next swap. So I have four 5g buckets total with only two of them going at once. I've only had the rotifer cultures going for a little over a week so far and they are about ready to switch to clean buckets.
The fry are looking great in your last video. What kind of light do you use over the fry tank? Is it strong enough for photosynthesis, or it is just the attract the fry?

What kind of pot are you using in the broodstock tank?
The fry are looking great in your last video. What kind of light do you use over the fry tank? Is it strong enough for photosynthesis, or it is just the attract the fry?

What kind of pot are you using in the broodstock tank?

Thanks MGP. The light is just a small LED strip, it puts enough light into the tank for the fry to see the rofiters thats all. The reflection you see in the video of the big round light is just the overhead room light that I turned on to take the video. I am using terra cotta pots in the broadstock tank.

I lost some fry the first 24 hours but since then all seem to be doing fine. Here is a video day 4 post hatch. They are growing pretty quick so hopefully in a week they will be past meta and should be easier to keep alive from what I have read.

We are at day 7 post hatch!! We siphoned the bottom of the tank a couple times now and replaced about 1 to 1.5 gallons each time with new saltwater. We have had 3 or 4 dead fry on the bottom each time we siphoned but most are still thriving. We fed TDO-A on day 2 to day 5. TDO-B1 was started on day 4 and we will continue to feed it until around day 15. Still not sure really how much of the TDO's we should be feeding and how often? Some of the TDO accumulates on the bottom of the tank and was the main reason for siphoning the bottom. Still providing rotifers as a live food source and we are currently hatching some baby brine shrimp to feed tomorrow.
Couple new videos 7pdh


Thanks, that's exactly the info I was looking for.

When you feed the rotifers, do you sieve them and then wash them in to the tank, or add the 1 gallon of rotifers and phyto to the tank?
Thanks, that's exactly the info I was looking for.

When you feed the rotifers, do you sieve them and then wash them in to the tank, or add the 1 gallon of rotifers and phyto to the tank?

I pour the rotifers thru a sieve, so I am adding just the rotifers and not the water from the culture. But I am adding a little plain phyto to the fry tank so the rotifers have a little food while in the fry tank. I imagine without adding some phyto to the fry tank the rotifers that dont get eaten right away could starve and die, which would foul the water much faster.
I️ have been wanting to start breeding clownfish for awhile now. I️ have a 40g breeder and have some spare glass to section it off. Does golden pearls work for feeding the fry?

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I️ have been wanting to start breeding clownfish for awhile now. I️ have a 40g breeder and have some spare glass to section it off. Does golden pearls work for feeding the fry?

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you will need rotifers
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I also have a pair of clowns who spawn.

I was thinking to try and raise the baby. Any advice ?