osmolator 3155


New member
How much wire comes on the submersible pump on this unit.My top off water sits in a brute 75 gallon trash can.
The pump has about 6ft of wire, their is additional 5ft or so from the controller to the pump. Be very careful with such a large reservoir. You cannot pump downhill, so the hose will have to end above the height of this reservoir or water will continue to siphon after the pump turns off. Reservoir volume is the final safety if every other safety were to fail, and no safety can defeat a siphon except proper installation. Personally, I would never have more water available to a top off than I would need in 7-14 days.
Is it possible to extend the wiring to the pump. I have a top off unit in an adjacent closet which requires more than 6 feet, since I run the tubing and wiring below the tank in the crawlspace and back up.
Yes, I would just use speaker wire, just be sure that the tubing ends above the water level in the reservoir, however tall your reservoir is the hose has to terminate that high up.