osmolator 5017 problems


New member
I have an older osmolator 5017 that has stopped working. It quit during the middle of the night and woke me up with the alarm. It has the level too high light on , and the water too low light flashing. I am hoping a sensor went bad or something simple. I am guessing that I will need to send it in for repair. This is an out of warranty unit.

Can these units be fixed or is it just time to buy a new one ?

I'll need the address to mail it to, I've forgotten it several times.

Worst case I will discount a new controller. Do you have any sort of reverse daylight running or is it in a fuge where a snail or crab may have crawled on a sensor? Basically it is getting a conflicting signal, too high and too low and magnetic interference or a critter on the float switch could be a simple culprit.

Tunze USA
305 Victor St
Austin, TX 78753
Thanks for the Great service. Roger and Tunze USA service are the reason Tunze stands above every other aquarium equipment maker.
I have a question about my new osmolator. It has the magnetic mounts but there seems to be a small piece missing for the mount. If I mount the sensors on the magnet to use 1 set of magnets, there is a small clip that slides onto the magnet that the high water level safety mounts to. This clip was not in the box when I opened it. I can use the osmolator if I mount the sensors on seperate magnets.

From the Tunze website it looks like part 3150.310 holder board. Is this still being used or is it recommended to use both magnet mounts?

This piece is removable, if you want to use just one mount you slide it off the separate mount and move it to the other. Only one mount is included as you would only use one.
Thats not the way my magnets are set up. I have 1 glued on holder on each magnet , and one holder has the slide for that clamp board. That holder has the slide glued on it, but no holder was in the box.
I am sorry I was confused and had to go double check, the holders that are glued on is the optic sensor holder, the 3150.310 is what you need, the one I checked here was also missing it so I can send you one if you PM me the address. It used to be in a parts bag with the hose clamp, but the hose clamp was changed recently to a simpler unit and it seems this part was omitted.