Osmolator ato and Neptune apex


New member
Hello all, I hooked up my is plater I received today and it is working great. Quick question.. Is there any way to add extra safety measures and integrate the osmolator with my apex to receive alerts if the water gets to high? Just a thought.. So i figured i would ask. Thanks
I'm not Roger, but as far as I see it these are the options I could come up with:

1) Buy the Apex break out box and a float switch that mounts higher than the Tunze 'too high' float that cuts power to the Osmolator in the event that float is actuated.

2) Set the outlet for the osmolator to only run for a very small window of time per day, the chances of an overfill here are slim. Though this isn't entirely ideal if you are trying to keep your salinity as stable as possible throughout the day via small top offs. You could have a couple small windows throughout the day to help alleviate that issue, or perhaps even an oscillation function for the outlet to allow the outlet to turn on for 5 minutes every 4 hours or something.
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There is no way I know of to integrate the two. However, the osmolator has so many safeties that if properly installed and overflow should be nearly impossible. If the optic sensor fails a float switch shuts it down, if that fails the controller stops the pump after 10 minutes and if everything fails and you properly sized your reservoir, you should still be reasonably safe against catastrophe.
Well Roger, last night was the first night to try to use it and i woke up to a pump winding for water... its went nutso. I plugged all the stuff in and followed the instructions i used the magnet on my glass of my sump. I powered it on and it pumped for like 5 seconds. then stopped. Then it was green and fine. So i said hey.. i trust it.. It was 200 bucks.. should work... Welll.. nope.. So i was up at 230am taking water out and putting in saltwater. How can i make sure this isnt gonna happen. The water was even above the safety. So the "magic" class eye didnt stop it nor the safety float switch... Bad unit? Please help. I was hoping to get this up and running for vacation.
You need to run the controller with the pump detached to test for different scenarios:

1) hold the eye just below the water line in your sump or a sink, does the green light go on?
2) hold the float switch up. does the "too high" red light come on?
3) if those two work as expected let go of the float switch to return it to it's resting position and slowly raise the eye out of the water. Does the "pump on" (yellow light) illuminate?

If all three of those scenarios produce the expected result from the controller it should work as expected.
Ok thanks Mindflux. I will try that this evening. hopefully i can get it replaced if it is a bad unit. I was reading that some people have to soak there eye in dish soap and warm water? is this true also?
Start with this troubleshooting, the majority of these types of issues can be solved by following the post below and are the result of a new unit (soaking optic sensor to break surface tension of new plastic) or an installation issue. I will be offline until Wednesday, I am in Germany and fly back tomorrow, I will be back in the office on Wednesday.