osmolator ato doesn't turn on


New member
I have your auto top off and while I do love it (when it works), I am having problems with it. From time to time it says that it is too low, which is is indicated by a red flashing light on the head unit. However, it doesn't turn the pump on and thus, my sump level drops down. The only way to get it to come back on and start filling back up is turning the unit on/off. I obviously don't want to do this because it's not why I bought it. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Either the pump is dying, the wiring and connector is corroded or the circuit breaker that regulates power to the pump is failing. How old is the unit? Please check that the connector is completely free of corrosion and the wiring is also firmly connected and free of any oxidation.
It is about 2 weeks old. I posted this question in another forum and was led to believe that it shuts off after 10minutes and the only way to reset the sensor is to turn it on/off.
It does indeed shut off after 10 minutes, but I was assuming it is shutting off before 10 minutes. If it runs for 10 minutes and the tank is not topped off, the tank must be huge and you would need an accessory switched socket for a larger pump, or the hose is kinked or the head pressure is too high. Or the sump is too low and you will need to cycle it a few time or pour in more water to get it up to level and then it should keep up from there. In 10 minutes it will pump about 2 gallons of water.
I am actually dosing kalk with it and I guess I was trying to drip to slow. I need to open the valve up a little more and make sure that it doesn't take to long to top off.