I would like to start adding Kalk to my top-off but I only want it to run at night to minimize the PH swing. Would it be possible to program my Apex to only switch on the osmo at say 11pm and off again at around 11am?
Would it be hard on it or decrease the life of the osmo to switch it on and off daily? Would it have too hard of a time playing catch up to the 12 hours it was off?
I currently have an Elos 160 (145 gallons) with a 20 gallon top off container, and I usually need @ 1 gallon of top-off a day. I'm just trying to creatively use the equipment I have without needing to buy more. I would also program the Apex to shut off if the PH went too high.
Would it be hard on it or decrease the life of the osmo to switch it on and off daily? Would it have too hard of a time playing catch up to the 12 hours it was off?
I currently have an Elos 160 (145 gallons) with a 20 gallon top off container, and I usually need @ 1 gallon of top-off a day. I'm just trying to creatively use the equipment I have without needing to buy more. I would also program the Apex to shut off if the PH went too high.