There is no substitute.
I checked my sump and the red light (too low) indicator was on on the control unit, and the sump level was below the IR eye. The IR eye seems to be working, but the yellow light was not coming on and the pump was not coming on. I manually topped off and the green light came on when the sump level reached the IR eye.
So I thought the pump was bad, but I took a working Osmo. pump off my other Osmolator and it didnt; work either, which leads me to believe it is something inside the control unit.
Roger, have you got any ideas? It is not the pump. The IR eye seems to be working, and the float switch alarm is working s well. I also vinegar cleaned the IR eye. The problem seems to lie with the yellow light on the control unit. This osmolator is just at 2 years old.
So I thought the pump was bad, but I took a working Osmo. pump off my other Osmolator and it didnt; work either, which leads me to believe it is something inside the control unit.
Roger, have you got any ideas? It is not the pump. The IR eye seems to be working, and the float switch alarm is working s well. I also vinegar cleaned the IR eye. The problem seems to lie with the yellow light on the control unit. This osmolator is just at 2 years old.