Osmolator, need help


New member
I installed the unit last night and this morning the water level was higher. I set the water level sensor and high water sensor correctly. What am I doing wrong?

High level sensor

Water level sensor, sensor is submerged this morning.

I have the water discharged on top of my overflow.

The only thing I can think of maybe I wire it incorrectly.
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Top View

The display unit was light on low water.
Try cleaning the optical sensor w/ some soap and water (don't scratch it). New, they sometimes have a film on them that messes w/ them sensing the proper water level. Also make sure micro bubbles aren't clinging on to it. Hope that helps.
It looks like everything is set up correctly, the too low sensor typically means the pump ran for 10 minutes and a fill wasn't registered. Alex may be correct, new sensor tend to attract air bubbles and cannot differentiate between being dry and air bubbles. a hot soapy water rinse will solve this as long as excessive microbubbles aren't present near the sensor. How big is the tank and how high up is the top off hose compared to the reservoir?
How big is the tank and how high up is the top off hose compared to the reservoir?

The display tank is 150 gallon, the sump is 70 gallons. The height of the hose to reservoir is about 3ft. I have the hose at the sump which lower then the reservoir and it continue siphoning water out of the reservoir.

Here is a overall picture of my tank. On the left side of the tank their is a cabinet door leaning against the reservoir.
I think you may have had a misspelling or omitted a word that makes your last statement confusing. In the pictures you show pumping up to the tank, if so that is fine, but if you pump to the sump, you will get a siphon.
I think you may have had a misspelling or omitted a word that makes your last statement confusing. In the pictures you show pumping up to the tank, if so that is fine, but if you pump to the sump, you will get a siphon.

Sorry for the confusion. I had mounted the hose at the sump before which cause the siphon. I relocated to the top of the overflow and it does not siphon like before. The level of water was correct when I installed the correctly.
Try rinsing the sensor, the low level light just means it tried to run the pump for 10 minutes and no fill was registered, normally this would mean that the reservoir is empty, the pump is broken or the tank is leaking. In this case I am assuming bubbles stuck to the sensor triggered the pump to run and after 10 minutes with the bubbles still there it did its safety too low shut down.