Osmolator pump

Roy Arena

New member
So about a week ago my osmolator pump stopped working. The controller will turn pump on as well as the light but no water. It's a few years old, maybe eight. So I bought a new pump from BRS.

The new pump does the same thing. If I connect a four foot piece of the black tunze tubing to the pump, not a drop will come out of the tubing. I can easily blow through the tubing as there is not any restriction. If no tubing is on the pump, the pump pushes water around in the top off reservoir. It seems to me that the pump is not getting enough current.
It is hard to say, I can think of a few causes and a more exact age would help.

If it is 8 years old, the controller prior to late 2008 gave the pump less power, the controller may stop the pump is the wiring is corroded, the connector is corroded or the voltage is too high, on these old controllers the wiring has to be clean and corrosion free and the original 9V or switchable 9V/12V power supply switched to 9V must be used. These controllers could only give the pump 800mA before it shut off the pump, a lower voltage and clean wiring keeps us below that limit. Usually in this case the pump will be heard to dim or slow to a stop and the yellow light may also turn off.

It could also be a weak power supply, if it is post 2012 the pump speed in the controller may be turned down. There are a lot of possibilities really for weak power to the pump or even possibly a bad pump. The hose should also fit tight in the pump fitting, if it is pushed in too far this can press the tube against the back of the impeller and result in no flow.
I really don't remember what year it is Roger, wish I could tell you. I can tell you the power supply is a 04151-110160. I checked connections at the terminal block again, removing wires. No sign of any corrosion and connections at the block are tight. The pump started working again and filled the calcium dispenser. I dumped what was in the dispenser and reconnected to pump. Controller would turn on pump light and pump would sound as if on but no water filling the dispenser. I replaced check valve with one of the clear flat in center (old style). So now it seems to be working. I will keep an eye on it.
As always, thank you for such great support and service.
OK, it sounds like just a jammed check valve, try running vinegar through the old check valve with a syringe, the clear ones tend to not last very long, you may recognize it as a Hagen check valve and the spring can rust out inside. The current ones are designed with kalkwasser resistant materials and are US made, they are a better valve.
Ahh, you may have the oldest check valve which was a flat disk with a rubber flapper, that is the Schego check valve, it is a very good valve but was very stiff and needed a lot of pressure to open so we didn't use those for long.
Here is the replacement. I will try to soak the other on in vinegar. Hopefully it will clean up.


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I dont recognize that one, the Schego one looks identical in shape but is green and clear.