Osmolator question


I want to buy an ATO for my 24g Nano cube. After hearing the Tunze is the best one, I have a question. How sensitive can the sensor be set at, How much water loss will trigger the Osmolator to top off the tank?
I have never measured but would say it is between 1-3 millimeters. They are about as sensitive of an ATO you will fine. You really will never even see the water level change
you don't "set" the optical sensor. You just ensure that the sensor is at a place where there is minimal distortion of the water line (e.g. from bubbles or water splashing).
I have heard the glass housing around the sensor is very thin and is easy to break. Has this been upgraded to a thicker glass in the newest model?
I cannot speak for everyone but of the ones I have sold I have not had any customers tell me they have broken the sensor or have seen it posted, same for the two I have owned. The sensor is actually made of plastic.
I was thinking of another brand and posted this in the wrong forum. I have not heard of these breaking. I am sorry for my confusion.