Osmolator question


Premium Member
My current topoff system consists of a Lifereef float switch connected to a maxijet powerhead in a 33g reservoir. When I first set it up, I had a problem with the water continuing to trickle out of the tubing even after the powerhead had shut off - I guess due to a siphon. I drilled a siphon-break hole in the tubing, and that has worked pretty well, but I've still had a couple of near disasters when the hole either gets clogged or accidentally drops below water level.

So, I'm looking for something better. The main thing I want to know is, how does the Osmolator prevent the back-siphon situation. How does it make sure that when the pump shuts off, the water stops flowing, period?

Overall, I love the design of the Osmolator and would like to switch to this system, I just want to make sure I understand how all the parts work together to prevent a flood.
I installed my Osmolator about 2 weeks ago.
The sensors are in my sump-section where the pumps are located-I have the top off water going into the sump.
You have to put the top off hose above water level to prevent the siphon effect.

This is where I've been topping off manually in the past.

Unit works really well with no problems.
Makes going on vacations a lot easier.

I've got my sensors in the sump, and the feed line into the sump as well. The feed line is up high and out of the water at all times, it just points straight down into the return area, at 12" below.

Works prefect. Its very close to "plug and play".
While I don't have an osmolator, I've put some thought into how I'd use one (seriously considering purchasing once the tax return comes in). I'm thinking about having the osmolator pump return output into my overflow. This way, it's not really going directly into the tank, it's way up there so there's not much chance of a siphon developing, and it creates a good opportunity for the FW to mix as it travels down the anything-but-laminar path to the sump. Just my thoughts ...
It really doesn't matter where you add the water (unless its kalkwasser or something). As long as its pure water, adding it anywhere will increase your total volume to where it should be.
The osmolator is generally adding such small amounts at a time it isnt a big concern if it goes straight in the tank. I personally also add it to my overflow though.