Osmolator questions


New member

After looking at the various available solutions for auto top-off, I've just about decided that the Osmolator is the one for me. Now, one of the other devices I'm looking at getting is a Nilsen Reactor to add Kalkwasser to the top-off water. So, I will have my RO/DI filling a top-off reservoir, the Osmolator pump sending water to the Nilsen Reactor...but there's my question. I've been told that the proper use of a reactor like this is to feed it water at the approximate rate of evaporation, like with a dosing pump. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the Osmolator pump is going to pump quite a bit more quickly than that. Will this work with a Nilsen Reactor at all?

I know Tunze has a container for Kalkwasser, but it seemed to me that the reactor would provide a better mix, etc...then again, I don't really know what I'm talking about, and the Tunze container is certainly cheaper...what would you recommend?

I really can't answer that, the Osmolator turns on every time the water level drops about 1mm and it dispenses usually a couple cups of water at a time. Certainly a mixing reactor will make more of a slurry than a solution so it will be stronger and I know people use the Osmolator with the MRC reactor, my opinion is kalk is not a good calcium supplement and I use it only to supplement my Calcium Reactor so the little Tunze unit suits me fine, I just want it to precipitate some phosphates and stabilize my pH and KH.
Thanks for the answer. I'm pretty sure I will be using a Ca Reactor too eventually, however I do like the idea of supplementing with Kalk.
