Osmolator sensor failure


New member
Earlier this week, I caught my osmolator dumping water into my tank, unbidden. I caught it before it was able to overflow my sump, but it had overfilled the system to the point where the high water alarm had started. I thought perhaps it was just some kind of electronic gremlin and I unplugged it figuring it would be fine once plugged back in.

Today I plugged it back in since the overfill had evaporated and the system was now a little low. It went through its test cycle like normal, pump and everything worked fine and then....nothing. The sensor does not appear to be inputting information to the unit. Again, the float switch works just fine and it can sense high water, but nothing else. No LED lights other than the high water one with the float switch is raised illuminate.

I examined the sensor to make sure it wasn't dirty, and it looks fine. Without taking the box apart I'm afraid I'm out of ideas. I can't see any reason why it should not be working.

Hope you can give some insight!

How old is it? If it is newly installed or something was recently changed or moved, the main cause of this issue would be bubbles. The optic sensor only detects air vs water, it cannot differentiate between bubbles and being dry and bubbles accumulated on the sensor will cause it to fill. If you catch it in the act, try wiping your finger under the sensor, if it stops within 5 seconds, the issue was bubbles.

We actually don't send new ones, the warranty forbids complete product replacement, we would need to diagnose the cause and either get it back or send the appropriate part.
It's about a year old, I would have to dig up the receipt to see for sure.

Nothing has been changed or moved recently and there are no bubbles. I have tried many things, power cycling it, cleaning the sensor, moving it, etc. The sensor doesn't appear to be working whatsoever. It failed ON initially and we caught it when the alarm went off and unplugged it. Following that, when we plugged it back in, the unit appears to get no input at all from the water level sensor.

I can see that you can't just send me another one because the water sensor is not able to be removed by me. I am happy to send it in since it's not doing me any good here anyway and I am back to manually topping off.
If you are in the US, you would send it to me for repair-

Tunze USA
305 Victor St
Austin TX 78753

Otherwise let me know and I will get you in touch with the nearest repair center.
Just a note with your return address and phone number and a copy of your receipt if you have it.
I finally packed it up to send, I assume you don't need me to send the pump and the magnet mount for it since the problem is not the pump but somewhere between the sensor and the box?
I can only be sure if I test everything, a bad pump can damage the controller or cause a reset and second run, the float is a magnetic switch and in some cases can be affected by the magnet holder, especially if a stronger one from a pump or skimmer was accidentally swapped in.
Thank you for fixing my osmo so quickly. It took me forever to finally get it sent in, topping off by hand all this time...yuck. Thank you again for your help and attention to users on this forum.