Osmolator Service Help


New member
I just had my Osmolator serviced, and it seems they sent me used equipment. Now im not complaining, because the last one failed because of it getting wet. That was my fault. Anyway, when I hook up the replacement, the red warning light stays on, and it beeps. even if water isnt touching either sensor. Got any ideas? I tried cleaning the sensors, but still doesnt work.
Do you mean the too high light stays on? Who serviced the Osmolator? What country are you in? If it is just the too high light, this could mean the float is installed upside down on the post or that their is a magnetic field near the float or controller.
Hmm let me take a look.

It was serviced here in the US. I actualyl got a letter in it from you. Thank you for servicing it for me, even when it was my fault it failed. Couldnt ask for better service!

I guess it could be upside down. I need to look again. I will try it on another tank, and see if its something magnetic.

Thanks Roger.
I wouldn't have sent it unless I had tested it, if you PM me your name I can look up the repair record. If I recall, I had an osmolator come in that had water damage to the wiring, not the main controller and I replaced the wiring.