Osmomat 5024 problems


crabby hermit
Premium Member
OK, I'm getting frustrated enough with my Osmomat 5024 that I'm almost ready to rip it out of the tank and just use the sensors directly in the tank.

The problem I'm having is with the small pump that sits inside the Osmomat 5024 that pumps the water out of the box (the 5024.04 pump). The impeller keeps seizing and freezing on me. Then the sensor doesn't read evaporation properly and the tank level drops and then the MJ1200 that's powering my AquaC Remora runs dry and then ... (continuing tragedies shortened for sake of time).

The Osmomat is new - just installed 3-4 wks ago. When I open up the 5024.04 pump and pull out the impeller, don't see any buildup on it and the impeller housing appears clean. Once it's been disassembled and reassembled, the pump starts up again ... but freezes again in about 2-3 days afterwards.

It's being used on a 30G outdoor reef tank which has its makeup water being passed through a Tunze Calcium Dispenser 5074 mounted inside the freshwater makeup container.

Any thoughts as to what could be wrong? Do I have a defective impeller? Should I buy another 5024.04 pump so I can switch off the two and soak the original in vinegar for a few days?

Thanks in advance!

First, is the pump installed properly, it should be laying on it's side and the prefilter sponge wedges between the narrow side space and the inlet. Even if the pump were to fail the top off function should continue so I don't think this is the whole problem. If a cable is touching the optic sensor or the pump isn't in right the sensor may not be detecting the waater level, a droplet of water could be trapped between the sensor and the cable or pump or whatever is touching it.
Roger - the pump is installed exactly how you describe - with it on its side and the inlet facing the left side of the box with the prefilter sponge between the left wall of the box and the pump inlet. I have the pump output set on maximum which keeps the level in the box somewhat below the level in the tank itself. As the water evaporates, the level in the box drops which then triggers the topoff and the tank fills. So far, all grand and dandy. But when the pump in the box fails, then the water level in the box doesn't drop as water evaporates (since the water level equalizes with the water level outside) - thus the water level sensor is still in water and doesn't sense the drop. And my prefilter box for the AquaC must be mounted high enough that as the water evaporates, it drops the water level below the inlets on the prefilter box for the AquaC and runs the pump dry before it continues to evaporate to the point where the level in the Osmomat box that contains the malfunctioning 5024.04 pump would drop to trigger the water sensor.

Does that make any sense? I can try to explain it again if it's too confusing. :)

First, I want you to know I am here to help you and we will get this resolved but before we jump to replacing the pump just try one thing. In my experience with the Osmomat in a 58 plant tank when I used it full blast the filter sponge and intake screen would clog up slightly and cause the pump to cavitate and stop, 50% power seemed to be the perfect solution. Just try this and if it doesn't work I will exchange the pump.
Roger - I appreciate the help and beleve me, if we can solve this problem without replacing the pump, I'll be happy as a clam (maybe as much as a T. gigas :)). I'll give the setting a try and report back as to how it works. Thanks again for the responses!

Roger - update on the situation. So far, so good. Decreasing output seems to have resolved the problems I was having with the pump stopping. Thanks for the help!
