Ot: 2013 fmas ff

Ok, MACNA is over. Time to get the ball rolling...
How many people do we have? What site are we using? MOST IMPORTANTLY when is the draft?
Ok guys ....macna is finally over and even though my feet have officially fallen off I actually am sad to say that ..........as it was a BLAST......

ok how about we go with the one suggestion to draft before week 2 as its going to be extreamlly hard to get to everyone in one or two days ......and online is cool with me for those who cant make it and we could even do it at my house if we wanted to this time say an online/live draft next weekend maybe a yahoo site or something ....we should only have one div this year and it should be simple to crank out .....so what do you say ladies do you want me to send an mass email out to everyone for say friday night say 7pm or 8pm
If we are doing Yahoo, go ahead and create the league so we can discuss the details over there
The draft is going to be tomorrow (Friday) 8pm @ Matt's house. He confirmed with everyone except Blair, Ray and George. His internet isn't working ATM so Blair, Ray and George call him to confirm. It looks like we have 11 people, So if any one else want in it's not too late!
See everyone tomorrow and BYOB lol
The draft is going to be tomorrow (Friday) 8pm @ Matt's house. He confirmed with everyone except Blair, Ray and George. His internet isn't working ATM so Blair, Ray and George call him to confirm. It looks like we have 11 people, So if any one else want in it's not too late!
See everyone tomorrow and BYOB lol

Hey Al, not all of us have Matt's address or phone #