OT: anyone up for some sailing tomorrow (Sunday?)


Reef Reef Reef Reef Reef
Premium Member
We'd be on the water around 9 am, off by around 2 pm. I have room for 2 more. It'll be a great day on the water, supposed to be really nice. We've got winds out of the south, around 10 mph, so we'd work our way south, tacking across the wind, when we've had enough, a hard fast downwind run back. I usually bring a rod to troll behind us, so if you're up to catch a fish maybe, even better. I don't mind a few beers on board, but drunks and sailboats don't mix. Let me know as soon as you can, and pm me your cellphone #. I'll be checking all night. We'll probably go out of Port Everglades, but if the forecast changes we'll head down to Biscayne.

Wow, sailing! Let's see, that may be a good trade for a bit of candy cane! Too bad I can't do it tomorrow...going to Fairchild Tropical Gardens for a family/photo day.

I'm sure Randy and I both would love to catch you some other time though! I've always been intrigued with it, since I get sea sick on motor boats...alot of time because of exhaust, especially from those big nasty diesels! Don't think I would be too bad on a sailboat except when anchored...then I could take my Bonine!
I'd take something long before the trip to get it into your bloodstream early... most people who get seasick in a powerboat are due to exhaust fumes or dehydration, other than that it's about the worst feeling. As Albert Einstein once said, "The best remedy for seasickness is to take a nap under an apple tree" Sorry if I gave credit to the wrong guy, I'm pretty sure it was him.
Yeah, I usually take one before bed the night before and one when I first wake up before a boat trip. I hate the feeling and I may have "grown out of it" because I don't get it too much any more from reading while riding in the car, but I don't want to risk it either! I have my "boat bag" that holds all my little pills.
aw @$@$%@.. I haven't been able to take my Morgan 35 out for almost a year because i have it in location i have to have help getting it undocked and clear of the other boats at the location. Im looking for a new private dock if anyone knows of one for rent.

I would love to have come, but I have to do some work tomorrow. Next weekend however im all clear... Never hesitate to PM me about sailing, I've sailed blue-water in my Morgan 35 and the ICW with the iron sail, even have rode out a storm or 2 on it. I would love to be a hand on your boat anytime i can, i just love sailing for the sake of it.
you got it don, only problem is I don't sail out of the north... furthest north would probably be hillsboro inlet, but I hate that inlet!
aw if we could find a spot for the baby then me and tiffany would go, we planned on going fishing tomorrow anyways :)


Wish I would have seen your post earlier! Would love to take a ride on that sailboat of yours. I know alot of pride went into that. Hope you had a great day out there. My Grady White is out for repairs and I missed being on the water these last beautiful days. Hope to catch you next time!
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Well, it was beautiful out there, if a little rough. Winds ended up being around 20, even though they weren't supposed to go over 10. We had some 3 foot waves mixed in, but once we hit the gulfstream, we were really moving. Great trip, but no one from here ended up wanting to go, so last minute this morning I decided to go with Al Herring, a guy from Plantation that has the same boat I do, but 1 year newer. Great boat, great captain, great trip. I'll try to give more notice next time!

It's a 1976 Siren 17'
:( sigh i miss having time to sail and dive
and i really miss the 37 ( or was it 47) ft sail cat we used to go out on. ( wish it was mine lol) was a racing cat converted to liveaboard

im waiting for hte next huricane so i can pick up either a catalina 28 or ( ithink 36 ft.. what ever next size up is) dirt cheap and rebuild it ( replace electrical is all im hoping ill need to do) last huricane people were selling them for like 3k
So how did it go? Did you get caught in the afternoon thunderstorm that blew through my neighborhood?
We got caught in the intercoastal in the rain, but that turned out to be great, because all the boats were coming in, and it seemed there was a lot of beauties wearing white tee shirts in the rain. Perfect end for a perfect day!