OT boat fire


Awesome Member
We had a bit of a misfortune this week with my Dads bass boat, no one was home at the time and we're lucky there was not that much damage considering the house was right next to the boat, and there were powerlines right above it. Anyway just wanted to share some of the photos, boats to my Dad are like reefing and photography to us, so he's upset but it's a good excuse for a new boat :)






I would be devastated if my Ranger bassboat caught on fire!! Do you know what caused it? Battery charger?
Yeah it was on a trickle charger, has been for a few years now, unless of course it's in use. Something with the wiring went and of course the gas tank was full. My Dads an avid fisherman so he's bringing up his other bass boat when he comes home. Luckily it's insured and no one got hurt, that's all we care about, and the fact that we think the Evinrude might be salvagable, at least something may make it... oh and go figure the trailor is in perfect condition, the tires didn't even melt. Glad the firemen got there when they did.
To be honest I'm not sure, knowing him though it's probably whatevers best. Next time I talk to him I'll ask and let you know.