OT/ Harbor Freight Tools

Re: OT/ Harbor Freight Tools

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12189951#post12189951 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by bckane
Just a note, some of you may have bought tools from Harbor before.
They opened a new store on university Drive and taft St


Thanks, the prices are great specially for someone like myself that may use a tool once or twice only.
They have glass hole cutters 3/4 holes....for like 5 bucks.....I need to pick one up to drill my sump
lol that pump looks just like the MicroJet or Minijet made by the people who make the Maxi Jets. I bet they all buy the same things from the same manufacturers in China. Just like GFO and Carbon for the most part.... and... well.... most everything else in this hobby... :p
When I transferred as a mechanic at the tool store, I went to harbor freight (even though I had a pretty good tool set) I dropped around $600, and that got me a nice sized toolbox set, a pretty full mechanic's tool set, a multimeter, and a couple of air tools... I think I got an air drill for $6, a 1/2" impact, and a 3/8" air ratchet for $39, a die grinder for $16, and a cutoff saw for $6, and a little chipping hammer I call the "angry mosquito" for around $9. Every one of the air tools, even though used pretty often, are still around 2 years later. Not one problem. All the air tools held up to my rough hand. Some of the other tools are utter crap, but they did give me my start, and I began replacing them as they broke, with better stuff (Craftsman and snap on). Harbor Freight is great, as long as you keep in mind it's cheap stuff for the most part. I wouldn't think twice, however, about buying air tools from them again.
I have to agree with chris......but if you looking for something that you know your only going to use a few times, and didnt want to pay big bucks.....HF is the place....and its local