Ot looking for a fishing spots

Ended up going just shy of long key bridge and caught mangrove snappers and grunts. Will probably plan again sometime this week to make it to long key. But def saw action with live shrimp. I also found a spot where there are over hundreds of ballyhoos in one area but I wasn't interested in those and had no way of catching them. We def went unprepared but will plan it out better this week. One things forsure though take bug spray if you head into the keys
Bolo the spots we hit we extremely shallow. Also kept losing live shrimp in the strong current, we couldn't feel the bites.
Right now the snapper are active during the evening. Like Marvin said shrimp or fresh cut bait at Long Key bridge. Other bridges do just as well. To be successful in the Keys you need to learn to tides.

is this you boatlessfihsing bolo???????:hmm3:
Bolo the spots we hit we extremely shallow. Also kept losing live shrimp in the strong current, we couldn't feel the bites.

If the shrimp were fresh and hardy the shrimp shouldn't have come off that easily. It was probably picked off by a lot of small fish. If the current is strong fish the pilings base or cast further out so the current is not as strong. On Long Key on a outgoing tide cast as far as possible to the power lines. Certain areas have rock structures along the power lines which holds Muttons.

When I with shrimp I usually use a troll rite jig. I do not fish on the bottom with a fish finder rig. I want my shrimp to drift with the current freeline around the base of the piling. I fish all around the piling. Grouper and snapper will hide under the base of the piling.
You guys are going to make me take some days off to wet a line now.

So lets see some fishing pics!