OT: Macro


New member
Newbie to the site.. and impressed to find a photography forum!

I've recently obtained a 100mm f2.8 and MR-14EX ringflash for my 20d and man o man am i loving it.

Patience is a virtue with macro.. so frustrating sometimes.

Bee-fly.. One of my favorite critters.


Just a fly, but up close they look fantastic.


Tried to get as much detail on the eyes as possible. This fly was fearless.


Again i was going for the eye, but on a different subject.


The rest of my recent macro album! Feel free to comment (good and bad)
Welcome :)
The biggest reason I love close-up photography: the camera can capture what you can't see with your eyes. Great pics-
Argetni44...his first post says, "I've recently obtained a 100mm f2.8 and MR-14EX ringflash for my 20d and man o man am i loving it."
AMGSiR that last photo of the bee leaving the flower is excellent. The colors & composure of the image are fantastic. Thanks for sharing.
I do a little bit of editing in photoshop.

Mostly basic adjustments to colour balance, contrast, a quick sharpening and call it a day.

I have the patience for shooting macro.. i lack the patience for spending hours in photoshop making everything perfect! haha
I actually started out with an Olympus C8080, the macro mode on that camera is fantastic.

They aren't produced anymore, but you can likely find a good used copy for around $200.

Can't go wrong. 8mp fixed lens, with a short working distance of within 1". It's amazing.
The working range is decent on the 100mm, which is why i prefer it over the 60mm macro. However the dof is finer.. which makes things a little more difficult when working "on the ragged edge" as i love to. You end up with odd bits in focus.. and some frustration! haha

Most of the time i'm within 6" of the subject. Give or take.