OT (sort of) RO Question for Drinking Water


Active member
In the house we're remodeling, I am looking to add filtered water the fridge water dispenser and and ice maker we are installing. The manufacturer recommends using either an RO filter or a regular sediment type filter, but the sediment filters are supposedly not as good for the machines so I am leaning towards an RO.

However, in looking at RO filters for the ice machine, I am finding units that (3-5 stage, no DI since its for drinking/ice) and they can cost anywhere from $300-$600!!! :confused:

I'm looking at these things and they honestly look no different than some of the RO filters that we all use for aquariums and those units are much, much cheaper. Am I missing something? Have any of you ever used your aquarium RO units for drinking water?
The aquarium RO units are going to produce the best quality water and cheapest route to go. The ones we use in the Hobby are more gear towards commercial applications. The ones you buy at Lowe's and HD are retail units and are geared to make the retail store $$$ because replacement filters they sell are normally 5x the price. I would check out BRS or Melv reef for a complete package. If you want local place to buy Hydra Aquatic have great price. I normally just order from Hydra to support LFS and they normally have replacement filters in stock.

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ditto melev reef, mine worked flawlessly for years, only changed filters once.
decent price, too
Thanks for the confirmation guys. This is exactly what I thought.

What about the whole issue with copper piping? Some truth to that I imagine?