ot ubuntu

Andy would you use x86project for it? I had leopard running on my Dell Inspiron 1705 for a while. Worked well. I just ended up screwing it all up and having to reformat my whole comp (a few times) just by continuing to tweak this and that while it was running fine. If you're well versed with teh linux, you should be able to do a good ammount of the work in getting it running smoothly.

I love when people are happy with Ubuntu or other distros. It hasn't been that long since there were no graphical installers for linux, there was no driver support (still sometimes difficult), and infinitely more problems with it. I'm happy to see how far it's come since I started messing with it 6-7 years ago.
Leopard-10.5.2-AMD-EFI-Rev2.iso this is the osx I am going to try....
x86? I am out of touch with a lot of things.... so not sure what you meen. I do a lot of trial by fire. and do get burned
I first installed it to my desktop......but I had a probem with eny to run my dual moniitors....if I can find a way to install a program to run my dual monitors.....Im going all the way......this program is so stable
thr problgram I use is ultramon of windows the 2 montors...make need some help down the road from you guys
BTW I was up all night lastnight playing with this program
Are you talking about with ubuntu? If I remember correctly, the Nvidia driver package (proprietary, you have to tell the OS to get it) should allow dual monitor, and have the support built in. At least it did when I ran it on my laptop. You just need the non-free (but still no cost) drivers.
I had the support for the dual monitors but Im running hueyPro and couldnt get my profiles to work so the montiors look different in colors. I will have to work with it a little more...Im pretty sure there is a work around......seeing with ubuntu its unlimited control.....I still love it
runs great on my older laptop far better then any windows version
just my 2 cents