OT:Windows Vista

Sorry I do not. You know what they say "once you go mac you never go back" I went mac about a year and a half ago. Vista should be good. Hell they have been working on it for like 8 years.

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No I dont have it...

the reason they have been working on it for at least 6 years is
a: its still a microsoft product
b: its supposed to be a totaly new operating system but it needs xp if you run it as an upgrade
c: mac keeps upgrading its software to better and better
d: its getting harder and harder to do corporate espionage to the apple headquarters.... after all they started by appropriating software in the firstplace...

my only problem with going mac is I have been created in the image of windows.... stupid user... (former IT guy)
I like lynux but dont have the time or patience to learn it well
Hey Richard, nice to hear from you, how is school? I am also a Mac person so I couldn't help you plus I don't think you could get that size file over an email, but then again how big could the bigguest windows upgrade be? ugh....<low blow>.
I think at this point of the game it will be imposible for windows to get close to Mac OSX, and to top it off Leopard is due in the market in the first Qt of 2007, this promise to be an even more impresive OS that will be utilizing fully their new Intel base chips.
vista looks good, but its not worth it until the service packs come out. i think they have a lil demo thing on the windows website you can download.
from my understanding, they had a beta version out for a select few to try out. Right now any copy that might still be floating around is too unstable to be worth even using. So I recommend that u wait a lil bit until they get all the bugs out
lol i guess i am the only loco here i got really bore of windows and yes i did the transfer to lenix or lets say it really good i like it


there is hope in my quest for a beter oprating system i found a os x wich worck on a pc not a mac i will give it a try this weeckend i have a few freants who are worcking on this system with a regular pentium computers and no problems at all



hope i help
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8704790#post8704790 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by thesaent14
lol i guess i am the only loco here i got really bore of windows and yes i did the transfer to lenix or lets say it really good i like it


there is hope in my quest for a beter oprating system i found a os x wich worck on a pc not a mac i will give it a try this weeckend i have a few freants who are worcking on this system with a regular pentium computers and no problems at all



hope i help

Manny, Although nothing is imposible, trying to get Mac OSX on a windows based computer is near impossible, mainly because the OSX plataform s UNIX, however, intels based Mac can run and even boot on MS Windows XP, in fact I can have bot OS running at the same time side to side. "it's a good thing"
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8704712#post8704712 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Abengochea
...So I recommend that u wait a lil bit until they get all the bugs out

November 2009
From past experience, wait AT LEAST a year before upgrading to any latest-greatest from MS. Let the other lemmings find all of the bugs, security vulnerabilities, and driver conflicts first. I just bought a new laptop, and it came with a coupon for a free Vista upgrade. I may get the disks, but I won't install it anytime soon.

BTW, from what I read, Vista will have some pretty draconian registration scheme, worse than XP. Unless you have a product key, you won't be able to use someone else's. My advice to you is to pick up a legitimate student edition. I really miss the days of buying student editions from the college bookstore. Pennies on the dollar compared to the real word.
The newest beta ver out is Microsoft Windows Vista (Build 5840)
It out there you just have to know where to look......If you want see if you could get on the beta team........I was for severl years so I got first try at all the new programs
School is good thanks for asking um when the real version come it are they gonna sell a software or would i be able to download it. i mean i dont wanna buy the window vista software..but if its gonna be for sale under like 50 buks i will buy it but over 100 i wouldnt. does anyone know anymore info about it?
Concur on waiting at least a year or so after it goes live to install it. Too early and driver incompatibilities and security holes will make computing life hell.

Guaranteed it is going to be more than $100 for the upgrade and way more for the complete version.

For the die hard mac users, remember beta was a better format than vhs and look who won.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8709956#post8709956 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ashrem
Concur on waiting at least a year or so after it goes live to install it. Too early and driver incompatibilities and security holes will make computing life hell.

Guaranteed it is going to be more than $100 for the upgrade and way more for the complete version.

For the die hard mac users, remember beta was a better format than vhs and look who won.

I just have two thing to say

First, obviously you don't know "Little" Richard........ He will nag till he gets vista! Watch

Second, think of Mac's as DVD's my friend not beta. :D
windows vista home basic - 200$/100$ upgrade
windows vista home premium - 240$/160$ upgrade
windows vista business - 300$/200$ upgrade
windows vista ultimate - 400$/260$ upgrade

i just had a question. i read that your only allowed to upgrade your hardware to something diferent twice, anymore and you will have to purchase another copy of vista. is that true? that seems crazy and will surely **** off alot of high end users that constantly upgrade. (me though not HIGH end)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8710041#post8710041 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Rogger Castells
I just have two thing to say

First, obviously you don't know "Little" Richard........ He will nag till he gets vista! Watch

Second, think of Mac's as DVD's my friend not beta. :D

Yup dont know him from Adam, but get ur drift.

Second, mucho mucho years between Digital Versatile Disks and Betamax format. I dont know, used both OS and I say lets all switch to Linux ;D