Our 375 Gallon project

Got the T5 Icecap retrofit kit from Reefgeek.com. It uses the Icecap 660 so you are all set there. My frag tank is also 18" x 36" x 8". I just got these installed and fired up and I think it is safe to say you'd be safe with the 4x24w setup - it is extremely bright. I used 2 - 60/40 Aquablue Plus and 2 - Actinic Blue plus bulbs and I can say the reports are accurate - for 39w bulbs I would have to agree that the 660 is driving them at about 55 watts each. I'll try to post some pictures soon.

P.S. - thanks for the contact info :)
Scott, thanks for the information.

Just to recap:

IceCap 660 with regular wiring harness.
4 T-5 reflectors
4 pairs of T-5 encaps
2 60/40 AquaBlue Plus
2 Actinic Blue

Plus some type of frame, correct? Do you own a Kill-O-Watt device to measure how much power it is pulling? If it is only running 4x54w, I don't see why an IceCap 430 couldn't supply the power. Those run 3x110w bulbs, after all.
On the reflectors, I've heard (and from what I can tell so far) get the Icecap reflectors not the Sunlight supply reflectors. Not sure how deep your tank is, but if it is less than 12" deep, and you wanted to go with 4 bulbs, I think the 24" staggered would be plenty. If you wanted to go 36" I don't know for sure yet - but I'm inclined to say 4 bulbs might be too much.

Obviously, make sure you get the stand-offs with the endcaps.

These aren't exactly the way it looks - my camera actually dulls them down quite a bit - but here are some initial shots. These pictures really don't do them justice - they are VERY bright. :cool: As you can tell, the camera makes the bulbs look like they are all the same, but actually the actinic are alot more blue than the others but I haven't had a chance to adjust the camera to get an acccurate color in the pics.

I'm not sure on the 430 - I think it will work but the price difference between the 430 and the 660 I figured it was a better value to get a 660 which will work on a wider variety of configurations. Since you have both - try them both and let me know. :) As far as the frame, I just used angled aluminum and painted it.



This picture gives you an idea how bright the T5's are - this picture is with the camera flash, with the garage lights on, in a cabinet next to the frag tank - you can't even see the bulbs and it still washes out the wall.

Try taking a picture of your lights with the flash on. It might display the colors of the bulbs better.

Since I don't have a lot of space, I'm not sure I understand how many bulbs you are recommending. I thought you suggested four at first, but then you said four might be too many? The prop section is about 9" deep - it is really the return section of my sump. Here's a picture or two.


And from above (the section to the right lower corner):
We posted at the same time. I gotta tell you, I <b>love</b> that setup. It is so clean and so darn cool. :inlove: Makes me want to redo everything over here.

Actually, I have a crazy project in mind, but it is more theory that plan at the moment.
I think 4 bulbs would be correct - if they were 24". I have 4 - 36" and I think it might be a little too bright. Maybe 3 - 36" (2 actinic 1 60/40) would be good?
I see what you mean. I think 4 x 24" would be fine as well. I still would like to come up with some type of bracket that will let me pivot the lights out of my way when I need to access anything in the return/prop section. Another reason why nothing has been done so far. What I'd like to do is make it so I have a handle above the lights. Then I lift the handle upward, and this causes the lights to move toward me and then lift up a few inches.

Translating that into real parts - well that is a different story.
Ok, this one is actually pretty close to what it looks like believe it or not. This picture is with the camera flash on, garage lights on (3 - 8 foot flourecents), fuge lights (2-36" PC's) on (which used to seem bright). Needless to say, it is very bright which is why I am recommending only using 4 - 24" bulbs in a staggerd configuration.

Believe it or not, I think there are 6 frags in this tank somewhere :D

Wow, that is freaking bright. :lolspin: :eek: :lol: :fun4:

The cup is how I measure the effluent from the Calcium Reactor, and it allows me the ability to use the pH controller as the probe goes in that cup. It simply overflows into the sump.

What is the greenish container in your image above? Are you growing phytoplankton, or is that a skimmate holding container?
I was considering that, but it doesn't come with bulbs. Also, the ballast and reflectors aren't as good as Icecaps. The bulbs add at least $80 to the price.
That is actually my skimmer bucket :) The skimmate looks much darker without those darn T5's next to it. That's actually a 3 gallon container, and that is the last 5 days of skimmate.

That's why I can't wait for Neptune to come out with their addition that will allow you to use 2 pH probes so I can have one on the tank and one for the CR effluent.

I've looked at your site a few times in the past and you do some amazing work on your sumps - very nice!
I totally missed the "bulbs sold separately" statement. Grrr. Talk about fine print. :mad:

I really thought you had a small phytoplankton reactor going there. I may make one just for the fun of doing so, instead of using 2-liter bottles.

Thanks for the compliment.
Yeah, you got to read the fine print about the no bulbs, and it seems that alot of the pendents that come with the bulbs come with the 6500K sunlight bulb and the true actinic 03 bulb which from what I've read is not optimum.

I read on your website a while back about your cultivating phytoplankton - it really made me want to do it but I haven't set anything up to do it yet. I tried the Tigger pods cultivating thing to no avail but I would like to try the phyto. Right now I use phyto feast and they say it is live - but I just don't see how something that stays in your refrigerator for 3 months can be as alive or as beneficial as the stuff you grow. Is it really that easy to grow?
sidewinder770, I just had a quick question... I wanted to see what you think about my lighting setup that I am planning for my 600gal (96x48x30) since you have setup your T5s...

I am looking at using 4x 250w MHs with 8x T5s on IceCaps... Since I am running the 54w on IC's I will be getting about 80w per bulb I have read and been told...

2x54W Blue Plus ========= ==========
2x54W 11000K ========= ==========
4x 250w MH
2x54W 11000K ========= ==========
2x54W Blue Plus ========= ==========

With what you have seen on your T5's do you think the above plan will work to fill in the extra space around the MHs with good lighting for viewing and keeping corals...
I forgot to mention that the MHs will be in L3 reflectors, so I should get a good 3'x3' coverage from the MHs... Also I am thinking about having the MHs a little closer to the front of the tank to make sure that area is well lit and the back a little darker to give the tank depth...