Our 375 Gallon project

Hey Scott, nice to see you drop in. You better stay out of my thread if you really mean it about not getting sucked back in. :D

Are you still in Arizona?
I've actually been to your thread several times but I refuse to read more than a few pages at a time- I'm trying to resist your sucking powers :). Must.....Resist......
Nice to know I have those. :lol: Don't look at the new pictures I posted last night, whatever you do!
I just finished reading the entire thread over the past couple of days...can't believe that awesome tank is no longer. Oh well - here's to hoping that somewhere sidewinder is lurking, waiting in the shadows, planning his new tank to unveil on the world when it is complete!

Or perhaps just having a beer and enjoying life.
TTT...sorry...but just HAd to bump this to the top...this Sidemaiden's build will ALWAYS be an inspiration...I'm STILL using it as a foundatio of all my builds...oh, and yes, still waiting for the release of the canopy actuator thingy...kinda like waiting on the second series of the Star Wars saga...
TTT...sorry...but just HAd to bump this to the top...this Sidemaiden's build will ALWAYS be an inspiration...I'm STILL using it as a foundatio of all my builds...oh, and yes, still waiting for the release of the canopy actuator thingy...kinda like waiting on the second series of the Star Wars saga...


Mod's, What is happening with TOTM?
I know it is not the right place to ask this question, I just wanted to say welcome back to sidewinder and congragulate him for his first split.
Well, nothing as exciting as the 375 unfortunately.

Sidewinder and I have moved...but we ended up in Michigan of all places. Go figure. I think Sidewinder lost the reefkeeping "bug" as he has been hard to convince to setup another large tank since the move. We had actually purchased a beautiful 600 gallon acrylic tank, which sat in our garage untouched for over a year before I finally gave up trying to convince him to set it up and we sold it. There is a nice build thread currently going with the proud new owners of it. (wish it was us!)

Without Sidewinder's enthusiasm/support I've had to settle for a much smaller tank this time; I'm currently working on a 150 stand/canopy and hope to get that on line in the next month or so. Sadly that won't even keep me in the "large tank" club. :(

So maybe you guys that liked this thread and Scott's ingenuity can chime in here and see if you can get him bit by the bug again LOL. I can use all the help I can get! :lolspin:
Wow, Reefmaiden it's nice to see the wife trying to convince the hubby, it usually the other way around.

Not sure if you knew that your 375 gallon tank lives on in AZ. And from the thread it looks like it is in good hands. It was just set up. Here is a link to the thread http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2194285

I found the new owners thread and they posted a picture of your tank when it was TOTM. I found the TOTM article on RC, then found this thread.

Your tank build was amazing. Just the thought and planning was incredible, but to see it come to life was really incredible.

I live in Scottsdale and hopefully Will be able to see the tank in person when it is complete.

Thanks again for bringing a masterpiece to life that Will live on through Reef Central for a very long time.