Our 375 Gallon project

I'm actually looking forward to changing water :) with this setup it should be a snap- I'll know exactly how much water to take out based on the water level of the mixing tank which will drain into the QT tank fairly quickily with a 1" drain pipe. It's basically just a matter of turn a few ball valves and wait a few minutes and open a few more- instant, simple, and safe water change....hmmm...unless I have a fish in QT I guess :). In that case I guess I'll just have to drip the new mixed water directly into the sump after I drain the sump a bit- still pretty easy but I'll just have to monitor the water levels a little more.
What about bad guys getting into the main system from the QT. You should always sterilize the QT after you use it for new or sick fish.
Also if you medicate the QT with something you will have to make sure its completely out of the water before you can open any ball valves and that might get tricky to do. Good idea tho...hop it works :D
Tank looks great Sindwinder. I hope you don't mind but I completely ripped off your stand idea.
When I say completely lol I mean I printed a copy of yours redid the dimensions and handed it to my welder and said ââ"šÂ¬Ã…"œmake thisââ"šÂ¬Ã‚.

It is going to be done in about 2 weeks.

My build is being done opposite of yours though as I am getting the sump room done first.
I need to have a place to put all the livestock when I do the tank transfer, that seemed like a good place for it.

I have been a bit reluctant to start my own thread until there is a little more to look at but I will soon.

I canââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢t wait to see how you attach the skins to yours I gave a copy of the stand picture to a carpenter friend of mine he has some pretty cool ideas.
I like your idea that you're building a sump room away from the tank. I would be watching this thread closely from now on as I'm going to build a room in the garage which would be 30-40 feet away from the main tank. How big of a sump room are you planning to build? I hope you don't mind i use your plumbing diagram to map out mine.
NOLACLS & anthworks-

I thought about the same things and over the last week or so I have been coming up with a plan that will include a seperate QT tank. The diagram on the previous page has changed quite a bit and now also includes a seperate frag grow out tank as well as a seperate QT tank and seperate refugium.

Northside Reef & loup-

Isn't that what this is all about? By all means- feel free to use whatever ideas I have and let me know if you come up with improvements. :) This is very much a work in progress and it changes every day. I have revamped my plumbing quite a bit and added a few more tanks to the system but I don't have an updated diagram yet. I have been working on the layout of the sump room itself and have made a lot of improvements in there.

Sorry for not having much to report lately. I have been dealing with a permit issue with the city for the sump room build and it looks like I have to change directions a little bit. The sump room will be a little different and in a different location so I have been planning around that change lately. Hopefully there will be more pics and progress soon.

Thanks everyone for the compliments and your ideas are definately welcome- I try to think of everything to be sure to get it done correctly the first time and the only way to do that is to be open to changes and plan accordingly and your advice really helps.

All for now!:)
The city knows about the sump room because I was going to be getting a permit for the room I'm adding on the the garage. Since that time plans have changed a bit so I probably won't be needing a permit.
Wow that is amazing. People are so creative with their reefs sometimes. It must be torture to wait several months to get started.
Yeah I saw that too. Is this going to automatically open you hood and stand? If so that is Pimp :bum:

You could have it rigged to a controller to open it up if the water temp gets to high! Now that would be cool!
Northside Reef-
No, unfortunately the linear actuator and canopy top are not installed yet. I have the actuator but have not started the top of the canopy yet- I've been busy building the sump room as well as the 6 tanks that will go in the sump room. I had to change a few of my plans due to the fact that a sump "room" wasn't going to be easily accomplished and have since changed it to a sump "cabinet" in the garage that will be 14' long, 2' wide and 8 feet tall.

That would be pretty cool but for my situation it wouldn't help much as I am only going to have the 2 closed loop pumps in my stand and there really won't be a need to get into the stand very often. But to help with the heat issue I have gotten a seperate AC system (not installed yet either) that will have ducting to the canopy from the sump cabinet that will flow 500CFM of air from the sump cabinet where the new AC unit will be.

Sorry for not keeping this post up to date- I have been busy cutting the 5 sheets of acrylis needed for the sump cabinet tanks as well as the trenching to get the 3- 2" PVC lines from the tank to the sump cabinet. I have just started the rough framing of the sump cabinet as well.

I will try and post some pics of what we've been up to in the next day or so.

Here is an updated sump room plumbing diagram to hold over the picture junkies till I can get some progress pics posted :)-

WOW that is going to be a nice setup. I wish I had that much room. So with the linear actuator on the canopy door, you will just hit a switch to automaticly open you canopy door? Where did you get it from?
Can you post a picture of your linear actuator or a link? I'm looking for a device to lift and lower and L-shaped canopy.

Yeah- basically there is an up and down switch that will be on the side of the canopy and will open and close the whole front section of the canopy- or you can just open one of the 4 doors in the normal way for simple things like feeding. I got the actuator off ebay actually but there are many places to get them from if you can't find it on there.


I will try and get a picture of the actuator for ya this weekend. Sounds like it would work perfectly for what you are trying to do as it's exactly what I am planning on doing.

Here are a few progress pics for ya- nothing too exciting yet but lots of work none the less-

Here is a pic of part of the trench we had to dig to get from the house to the garage- it actually went under 2 sidewalks and a gate- about 50 feet of 3 x 2" PVC. It's about 2 feet deep.

Here is the plumbing coming out of the house- it will have a box around it painted to match the house so you really won't even notice it's there-

Here are a few pics of the cabinet framing- this was taken the first day and it's much farther along now but it will give you an idea of the size-


I'll try to take a few more updated pics this weekend.
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Hey Scott-
Man you're crazy!!! I just had a hell of a time with my set up and it's only a 220! And everything is inside my house!!!! Looks like it's going to be an awesome set-up though. Can't wait to stop by to check it out. I finally moved all my livestock over. You and Erin need to stop by and pick out some frags. Judging by the sump you guys made me, I think everything will turn out beautifully. I have a suggestion on your frag tank though, I've got a similar one, 36x16x8, and really wished that it was taller. If you plan on putting any kind of eggcrate rack in there, that will take 1-2" plus you won't run the water to the very top so that takes out much of the height. Mine is glass so it's measured from the plastic frame so the actual height is really only 7". So I'm just going to set the frags on the glass without eggcrate.

I'm still shaking my head thinking about the sale of your 748. I sold my R6 two years ago and am still kicking myself!!
