New member
I don't disagree with the bill, just it could be a little less "iron fist". Technically, all humans other than the native americans should be illegal to be here. We have been the most invasive speices introduced to america, which is the root of all of this. If we were not here there wouldn't have been any importation of non-native species, but we are here and the ecosystem has adapted to it, as it will for the other critters that have been introduced. Heck, most islands like madagascar, is made up of ALL non-native speices and it seem to do fine, albeit hundreds of years later. I do have to side with Darwin on this one a bit, strongest survives. Its sad, but if we protect every speices, will will not have room for anything, in Illinois the rabit population declined fiercely, so they over hunted coyote to bring back the population of rabbits, which in turn lead to an over population in white tail deer which in a round about way with the new prosses for checking in a deer when you kill it during season, somewhat promotes poaching to the un-truthfull. I guess all my rant is about is that nature will run it's course no matter what, and when the Earth is a giant ball of ice in 20000 years none of this will matter.