Our Mini 425 Ocean

I have tried my hand at seagrasses and yet to have a success. Again, this is a level of reef-keeping a bit above the norm IMO. But certainly this would be a very solid goal in terms of developing in the hobby.
Thanks Bax..

I am going to try and pick up a used 55 tomorrow. So More plumbing for the garage. Hopefully my mangrooves will take off now.
I was thinking a maxi jet at first .hehehe What would you recommend to feed the kalk? I just want to start playing with some other toys now and slowly collect frags. I have 2 cars that are sitting and need some tlc. 1 has a rebuilt motor with a dead fuel pump for a couple months now. I need to get this tank some what automated. WIth this hobby it is hard to have time for other toys..
I was going to run my controller to use topoff r/o if ph is good and than the kalk pump for top off if ph is low. A few guys seam to di it this way with ther controllers. I have akit from auto top pff that has been sitting so I thought I would do it this way
I have to agree with Jonathan, I would think that you should use a dosing pump that can be controlled with your controller.
I used a SpectraPure LiterMeter II to dose RO/DI through my kalk stirrer, and an add-on pump to top-off my QT tank. If you really want to get the good stuff, I have seen a 4-pump Profilux in action and it is worth checking out too.

Bulkreefsupply also has good dosing pumps (4 rollers) which can be controlled by an Aquarium controller.
I looked at the one on bulkreef and it said it wasn't really recomended not enough flow for topoff. I saw Alan AKA Englishrebel got one I just didn't want to fork out that much but I don't want to skimp. I'll check the price of the SpectraPure LiterMeter II and see what other dosing pumps I can find.

Thanks guys for the input.
Well I am out of town for the next few weeks. I think I have come up with a plan depending on my RKE. I know everyone uses ther RKE with switches to trip there top off. I want to use it to trip 2 different pumps. If ph is high it will trip a separate pump in R/O storage just for top off. If Ph is low than it will trip the pump for Kalk. If I can not program it that way than I will just use an alarm to not dose kalk when ph is high. Than uses another set of micro switches just below the ones for the RKE to trip the 2nd pump in R/O. Pump wise I was just going to order 2 of the Tom air lift pumps. Any pump recommendations guys??? I do like the tunze top off system. A little price but I heard good things about it.

I just don’t want to have a horror story like I have read several times with kalk wiping out the live stock. The weekend I get back I have to go to Miami, but I will be on a mission to get this configured before I leave for my next trip or vacation. Humm I just realized we are going to the keys in June, so I got my work cut out. Most of this relies on what I can do with the RKE. I posted a thread over there but thin I will just give there tech support a call and run it by them. I am going to try and figure this all out so I can order what I need now so when get back home everything will be waiting for me.
eric,its been I while since I've been over here,how's the family and the tank........I'll bet the little one isn't so little anymore :)
looking good erics, i havent really been on here in a while so its nice to see all the changes. glad to see someone thats not bored with their tank and ready to upgrade like im thinking!!!! lol
Eric, I upload images for my 450 I started to build last weekend and I am using pressed glued boards. Are you sure the 2x4's will hold? Did you re enforce the ends as that is the heaviest part of the tank

Just lookin out

I guess i should post a little update. Been doing a little traveling and working around the house. I started playing with my Supra again, so that has taken the little bit of spare time I have.

N00Bietanker - Thanks i want to get at least 2 more. I just havent devoted any time to the tank so i am not ready to buy any fish yet. Look forward to seeing your updates too. Oh yeah Happy Bday..

Redtop03 _ Love your tank. It coming along good. Yeah the little one is getting big fast..

TattoReef - Not totally bored with the tank just had so much other stuff to do and finish up.

Nexdog - Now that Laurence is buummmpn my thread I guess i need to get back to work. HAHAHAHAAHA.... I am so glad your back at it. It is great to see things come back around.

Revfund - I had no trouble with 2x4's for a couple years now. I did triple each leg up. So I have a total of 24 legs for my stand. If you don't know what I mean and cant tell from the pics just let me know and I'll take some new ones and explain better.

Anyway back to the tank I have few things I want to get moving back on. My son did throw a few pennies, a wrench, and hammer in my sump. I didn't catch it till i came back from cali a few weeks later.

I am still lurking around here and there but kinda go things on hold till I get a little further on my supra. I plan to get some work done next weekend and post a little progress. Thanks for the motivation everyone...Oh yeah i still want to change my sand to the bigggest grain i an get..someday...
wow of all the diy threads this tank has so much life and creativity in the aquascaping your doing a great job, keep up the good work, hopfully i can get my large tank build on the band wagon here soon
Have you worked out the kalk dosing project?

I love your aquascaping!

Don't be a stranger on your thread... ;)
