Our Mini 425 Ocean

we still want to see a few pictures.. i know.. i been there.. leave the tank a while.. didnt do water changes like your supposed to... we've all been there.. its ok.. as long as it didnt go in the toilet.. post a few then fix it like you want.. keep up the good work..:fish2:
Metal Man1221- Thanks. I take that as a big compliment ..

Lightsluvr- I really need to get my Kalk Reactor going just been so busy with work and the family. I did pick up some containers for my water change system. I need to get this situated before I start getting any corals. I just haven't been giving the tank any time lately.

Desolo - Thanks..

Temperatepuffer "“ I will get a FTS up after I return, but nothing has really changed at all lately. I am just glad all my fish are doing good. I have let the aptashia go wild since I lost my Copper Band a while back. I need to get another one.

Morrisgigantus "“ I hear you loud and clear.

Thanks everyone for the bumps. Things have been busy with my family and work lately. I am out of town again for a few weeks but this is my last trip for the year. I took couple little vacations earlier but that should be it. I hope to get some work done on my tank soon. Hopefully I can resurrect this thread. I did get another camera a little ago since my flash quit on mine. So hopefully I can get back into the pics mode.

I have been lurking in the back ground. There are some real nice setups. I hope everyone is still doing well. Hopefully these little bumps will get me motivated again to get some things wrapped up.

I just found out Macna 2010 is going to be in Orlando FL. That is about an hour from where I live. I think I am going to get all my parameters in check and finish up some unfinished equipment jobs so I can go a little crazy and get some nice frags. I think I can make that a realistic goal.
I just found out Macna 2010 is going to be in Orlando FL. That is about an hour from where I live. I think I am going to get all my parameters in check and finish up some unfinished equipment jobs so I can go a little crazy and get some nice frags. I think I can make that a realistic goal.


I agree with everyone else though FTS! FTS! FTS!
Emericasreef - I got the big shelfs from Marco rooks. A little tight in my tank but hopefully will be perfect for my next tank that will be at least 48 wide. I need to start getting some more coral so hopefully in few years I will have a reason to upgrade. RIght now I still more at a FOLR with some hard corals. I feed my fish good and I have the nitrates to prove it. They all get a good variety of home made, flake, and plenty of Nori.

Michika- Well hopefully I can pick some nice stuff up next year. When I get back home I will take a FTS. I am dieing to get back home and see my family. It is tough be away from my little boy.
Alright I am back. I traveled and loss some corals and a tang last year so I said no more new live stock till I can get things in check. I am back at it, slowly but at least I am getting it done. My nitrates are high but I really haven’t done much to the tank but a few w/c last year. Took a few nice trips last year but I am ready to get some work done, or should I just say spend some money. Hahahah.

I did get to make it to the Georgia Aquarium. Most of the pictures didn’t come out. Go figure none of there little reef. It was kinda cool a lot of tangs and fish. Not as big as I expected. The big thing was to be able to see there whale sharks. My wife caught a good pic of both of them. Here are a couple pics.





I have made a little progress, well actually more in the last month than the last year. hahah

First my enemy NITRATES. I always wanted some type of baffle in my sump so I didn’t skim the same water. I put a little rubber maid tub in my sump and have my Marlin Pump for my skimmer feeding right from that tub. My drains drain into that tub and the 2 drains that go to fuge also flow to that tub. I can have just 2 drains feed my skimmer because the marlin pump is pretty strong, so if I skim some pods, oh well. I think I am already getting more skimmate just after a couple days. I think I might stick with it and clean it up. The tub did crack after all that work so I might change it out if I can’t glue it up.



Not sure if I might put more live rock in the fuge. I also was thinking moving the macro to a little bin in the sump and just keep the fuge filled of live rock. I will see my next few water changes go.

Got the Kalk and top off worked out to where I am happy. I plan on using 2 pumps for top off controlled by my RKE. IF PH good it will feed the kalk reactor, or if PH high RKE will use another pump with straight R/O water for top off. I heard too many stories about kalk reactors wiping out tanks. If I waited this long might as well take a little longer and set it up to where I am somewhat happy. So I started on installing my floats. I am just going to use 1 instead of 2.


I ran the cable for the RKE PC4 in the garage and still not sure how I want to install the ph and orp probes. If I set them up in my fuge that level doesn’t change so they can be solid, but there is more flow in my sump. So I will most likely mount them there. I did get to finish most of the electric. I had already started to mount them under the tables. I rethought that one and figured I can get them a little higher away from the water and my little reef helper.


I am adding an R/O storage and salt mixing bucket added to the system. I have changed my mine again. I think I have enough volume but still want top be easy on my electric. I made a manifold to feed my sand filter, phosban reactor, and maybe a Nitrate reactor soon. I think I will use the same pump for the salt mixing station. Humm. A pic of the manifold.


I also added a dj strip to shut of stuff that is not going to be connected to the controller. It is so nice to have wires off the ground and to be able to turn things off with a switch. My mess became a high priority since my new tank helper is walking around more now. I also started finishing the electric boxes in the garage. All wire is run for the 2 circuits in the garage and 2 new circuits in my office.


Here is a little exhaust fan I installed. I am getting ready for summer humidity. I am just going to put a dehumidifier in there soon. I also want to run the skimmer intake lines to make sure they get fresh O2. I am working on a new waste catch can for my skimmer. Soon.



Another problem is not being able to make water fast enough. So I just order a booster pump, dual tds meter, and a pressure gauge. I think I might need to change my membrane since it is already a couple years old and has been abused. When I get working on that I’ll post some pics. I do have a new resin and I see mine is almost done.

I also ordered some salt and a tiger shark magnet for my new algae bloom. I did remove some sand from my display. I had very fine sand I got from HD (Play Sand) if I dropped a frag it would get covered and die if I didn’t pay attention. I put the biggest grain aragonite sand for jus the top layer. I added 160lbs of it. I did half at a time but it did start some algae from the change. I am sure it will clear up soon. I hope. All my other fish are doing great. I just want to get my Nitrates and W/C under control. I still haven’t decided yet if I am going to go with a Calcium Reactor or just use a few dose pumps. I still might go with a Nitrate Reactor too. It does bother me having another piece of equipment for failure, and something else to maintain. If I can’t get my Nitrates back down with regular water changes I most likely will go that route.
Nice update Eric. These changes will go a long way in the right direction for you. Anything to make maintinance easier is good!
Eric - I just read your whole thread. Hard to believe you've been at it with your 425g for almost three years! I've been in the planning stages for over three years, reading and learning as much as I can. Finally beginning to assemble my 240g in wall. I hope to have water and rock running by summer, and begin stocking in the Fall. I've gathered many ideas from your thread - keep up the great work - I'll be following along. Thx.
its been a while since i'v seen your thread, that equipment room, is starting to look very elaborate there, Its crazy how easy it gets out of control isnt it!!! Looking good though!