Our new 1700 gallon reef tank! Help a noob out!

A couple other pictures.


12 days and counting till the new tank arrives. Things are starting to get crazy! We will be breaking down the old tank in 4 days, so if anyone wants to see the old tank in all its glory one more time, better do it before Monday.

One of the guys on the tank change over team was vacationing over Christmas break in Florida and stopped by to check on the tank and take some pictures.

He still hasn't finished the life support systems and lighting but as you can see in the pictures they are coming along.



Check out how open the top of the tank will be! I'm very excited about this, the top of our current tank is probably 50% covered or more in acryllic, this is almost 100% open.


We have a light system which will sit on the tank and be lifted out of the way at the flick of a switch. This lift mechanism sits in the middle of the tank.
We are expecting the tank to arrive literally any minute. I'm pretty darn excited. Tomorrow we'll be installing it, going to be a fun and tiring day!

I would have gone with a closed loop as flow.

I think it would be very whise to have large open zones (especially for the ray as swimming area). The linked thread with the large tank is a good example how the rockwork could look like.
One could also do an overhang on one back corner sides of the tank till about half of the tanks hight and then up on that having a shallow rising reef allowing some stony corals to be placed and grown on.
Anyhow the setup of the rockwork will be one of the most important things of the tank.
But I rather guess that it will not be easy to keep SPS to a larger extent with this fishload and not beeing really involved in the tank and reefkeeping almost all day long.


Awesome, I love how the tank was built using a metal frame, that lifting device looks very pro as well!

Wow Thats a big tank!!!

SPS you would want some serious flow. 20-30 times an hour. Thats some gallons there folks...... 34000 to 51000 gallons per hour. If you do decide to really do the sps in the tank you might think about a VFD drive unit. Couple of these and supplemental tunzes you could get your good flow. Coral Bonnies under the light spots would be a plus for lighting also.

Nice project

I am currently doing a 720G tank out of acrylic, and after buffing and sanding this beast, I would hate for my 3 year old son to scratch the outside up, so I researched and found that ETR rebuffs public aquariums, and basically puts clear window tint on the front of public tanks to be removed and replaced each year to keep the outside acrylic as good as new.

With little kids, might be something you want to look into.


PS - can you post a link to the museum, as it might be a place to come and see this coming summer.
Hi Guys!

Thanks for all the great replies. The tank is delivered, aquascaped, filled and we are waiting a few more days before we reintroduce our livestock. (Don't worry, we are reusing the same rock as before, so there won't be a cycle)

The system is pretty neat and everything looks very professional and high end. I took about a million pictures so once I catch up with everything else in my life, I'll be throwing some big updates on here. The website for the museum is http://www.museumofplay.org we are located in Rochester, NY.

If anyone wants specific pics of anything let me know and I"ll try to get them.
