Hi Everyone,
The meeting at my house has become our official annual meeting. Three of us as directors(thanks Chris and Mike)have worked with the officers to make this our official meeting as required by our non-profit status. We will hold an election to fill out board positions and have the club move forward. That's the boring part and won't take long.
we"ll discuss club direction etc etc..
Most important we will talk reef, reef and reef.. share pics and cellphones images of our tanks etc.
I've received notes from 10 folks indicating they will be there; don't know everyones name, but heres the list; Peter15(Alan), The Fuzz(Mike), LQT(Leon), Desert Sea, CLittrell(Chris), SpikeDangles, Martimer(Bruce), Calore(Simon), Fish On(Mike)..
Directions; 18 Greenleaf Farms Rd, Newtown, CT (southern part of Newtown)
Long driveway and you can't see the house from the street. Enter through the garage, up 4 steps and hang a right..
Couple of ground rules;
Don't ask me why I haven't enclosed the base of my tank yet.. Cause I'm no carpenter! Don't ask why my lights aren't suspended from the ceiling yet! You figure it out! Don't laugh at my sump arraignment and remember I'm all old school when it comes to reefing.. AND remember, My corals are better than Chris Littrell's.
Looking forward to seeing everyone.
The meeting at my house has become our official annual meeting. Three of us as directors(thanks Chris and Mike)have worked with the officers to make this our official meeting as required by our non-profit status. We will hold an election to fill out board positions and have the club move forward. That's the boring part and won't take long.

Most important we will talk reef, reef and reef.. share pics and cellphones images of our tanks etc.
I've received notes from 10 folks indicating they will be there; don't know everyones name, but heres the list; Peter15(Alan), The Fuzz(Mike), LQT(Leon), Desert Sea, CLittrell(Chris), SpikeDangles, Martimer(Bruce), Calore(Simon), Fish On(Mike)..
Directions; 18 Greenleaf Farms Rd, Newtown, CT (southern part of Newtown)
Long driveway and you can't see the house from the street. Enter through the garage, up 4 steps and hang a right..
Couple of ground rules;

Looking forward to seeing everyone.