Outlet stuck on Profilux Powerbar

Jim Lepage

New member
I wake up this morning with my water at 93.3F. :worried:

I checked my heater and it was heating but his port light closed. I tested with a dremel and the output worked. *** ?

What can cause that ? Seriously, it's not very safe. I have a controller to avoid this kind of stress on my tank. :(

The cause is usually a sudden high amp surge welding the relay shut. This happens if you have had a power spike or have been running metal halide or high amp devices for long periods on the socket.

If you reside in either Canada or tthe USA only, Please contact us via normal service channels by emailing us or go to www.profiluxsupport.com for support. It is only by chance I found this post, I rarely come on forums at weekends, if you ever have issues with your controller it is important one of these methods are used to reach us so we can make sure you get the fastest of support.

Important advise - A tank should never get to such temperatures as it is highly important with ANY controller that you set your heater thermostat to only 1 degree above the desired tank temp, then if something bad happened the heater thermostat would cut in as a fail safe.

The cause is usually a sudden high amp surge welding the relay shut. This happens if you have had a power spike or have been running metal halide or high amp devices for long periods on the socket.

If you reside in either Canada or tthe USA only, Please contact us via normal service channels by emailing us or go to www.profiluxsupport.com for support. It is only by chance I found this post, I rarely come on forums at weekends, if you ever have issues with your controller it is important one of these methods are used to reach us so we can make sure you get the fastest of support.

Important advise - A tank should never get to such temperatures as it is highly important with ANY controller that you set your heater thermostat to only 1 degree above the desired tank temp, then if something bad happened the heater thermostat would cut in as a fail safe.

It's a titanium heater so there's no thermostat.

Now what should I do ? Change the faulty relay ?

Is it one of these white boxes ?

It's your best bet to contact Michael by the method he noted in the post. This will ensure you get the fastest and more direct support to resolve this issue ASAP.
I'm not in a hurry. I put a fan over my sump and the temp dropped, it's at 83F at the moment and still dropping.

I lost my snails, a cleaner shrimp, a Flame Hawkfish, a Clown Wrasse.

By chance my Achilles, Declivis, Pyramid, Helfrichi, Swissguard Basslet are fine.

My corals look fine too, probably the SPS will took some time to recover tho.