i have had my tank for about 10 years and it has relativily been 0 maintence, water change every 6 months etc, the tank has been doing great, but i have noticed that friends tank his coral grow alot faster than mine and probally so because he keeps on his tank frequently, so i made a new years resolution to break my what aint broke dont try to fix plan and start back with the attention to my tank.. I wanted to begin running my skimmer i curently have an excaliubur in sump model i got from LFS and its efficiently is determined on the amount of water in sump. i have a 55 gallon tank and a 10 gallon sump, sux i know, but for now it will have to do. do you think its worth getting a OTB skimmer which would work consistleny regardless of water level, and yes adding make up water is almost impossible everyday for me, and beings that its so small water evaporates pretty quickly..
Let me know your feelings on OTB vs in the sump skimmers thanks
Let me know your feelings on OTB vs in the sump skimmers thanks