Overpopulation/ no demand.


I consider this an ethical problem, so bear with me a minute. I have perhaps fifty or so brown hairy mushrooms in my tank. I cannot find local buyers for them, I don't have the time or resources to attempt selling through e-bay or similar sites. LFS might be willing to take "a few" gratis, but I certainly have more than 'a few'. I don't want to kalk them, (this is why it's an ethical question) and besides, I have killed enough corals unintentionally where it becomes twice as bad to do it intentionally. Any possible solutions?
Well hell dont kill them, I'm starting a new tank more then happy to cover shipping....can even send you a label to print.
Untamed Rose seems to have provided a solution to your delima but this is where being active in you local reef club can help and you could always try craig's list. I would be surprised if no one would be interested in them.
Interesting question. Firstly, I don't like to kill anything intentionally, without a reason, plant or animal. But if necessary I have absolutely no problem. Weeds, harmful insects that are annoying me or harming me or my property.... I'll kill em with no regrets. To me, it's part of the natural order of things. But I respect thoroughly differing viewpoints in this.

Mushrooms are likely identical genetic clones by the way (unless you have spawning going on). So if one remains, it's really not dead in a way.

I'm pretty sure they don't have souls. If they do, I'm in big trouble. I could be spending eternity playing checkers with guys like Joseph Stalin and Saddam Huissein.
Why are souls the hedge issue here? We cant even show prove we have them! Though I do think If there is such, animals have them too.

Morally..so longs and thanks for the fish.
Why are souls the hedge issue here? We cant even show prove we have them! Though I do think If there is such, animals have them too.

Morally..so longs and thanks for the fish.

That comment was more an attempt at wit then a hedge issue (and I'm not sure what that is). But it does have a germ of my internal logic within.

Your mushrooms are one of the simplest multicellular organisms in nature, just a few rings above the sponges. Although they certainly react to stimuli, no true cognition is evident. And if it exists it is no where near the complexity of animals with true nervous systems including a brain. Many soul theorists link it's possible existence is linked to cognition and the electrical activity we know exists in brains. Maybe that's why many people would find it repellent to kill a fish or other higher order animal they didn't want, but would have no problem nuking an aptasia or mushroom.

I dunno. And I probably never will for sure. But kudos to you for offering a solution.
That comment was more an attempt at wit then a hedge issue (and I'm not sure what that is). But it does have a germ of my internal logic within.
Maybe that's why many people would find it repellent to kill a fish or other higher order animal they didn't want, but would have no problem nuking an aptasia or mushroom.

I dunno. And I probably never will for sure. But kudos to you for offering a solution.

Guilty as charged. I was just looking at a few aptasia and comtemplating...:uzi:
Ethical dilemma.

I am building a new tank myself. I am very carefully planning this tank for corals as i have realized that in the past most of the things look bleh and brown and beige. no repeats this time, I hope....
Untamed Rose seems to have provided a solution to your delima but this is where being active in you local reef club can help and you could always try craig's list. I would be surprised if no one would be interested in them.

Yes, I've taken a few years hiatus from the local club; but yeah, it IS time to go back and see what's happening there. They have a quarterly frag meet, but everyone there is so focused on acros and zoas I doubt these would get much attention...
That's it! I'll make them a door prize!!!!
These guys...

These guys...

mushrooms 002.jpg

mushrooms 004.jpg
I find it odd to not take the time to sell them to get cash to buy something you really want. :lol:
I watched a youtube video of a guy that took tweezers, squeezed right above the base of the foot and just pried them off to put them on a frag plug. It looked like an "easy" way to make a new frag that you could trade or sell.

I'm thinking of doing it soon. I have a few that are bugging me.