Overstocked 210 and 541?


New member
I have a 7' 210 FOWLR with a 75G sump with the following:

1x Purple tang
1x Bicolor angel
1x Cleaner wrasse
1x Auriga butterfly
1x Raccoon butterfly
1x Harlequin tusk
1x Pink tail trigger
1x Black trigger
1x Picasso trigger

My 11' 541 reef with a 240G sump has:

5x Yellow tang
1x Blonde naso tang
1x Tennent tang
1x Orange shoulder tang
1x Regal tang
1x Unicorn tang
1x Vlamingi tang
1x Dussumieri tang
1x Achilles tang
1x Sohal tang
1x Sargassum trigger
2x Cleaner wrasse
1x Black clownfish
1x Mandarin dragonet
1x Target mandarin
1x Copperband butterfly
1x Scribbled rabbitfish
1x Lyretail anthias

My question is am I overstocked already...I have had these fish together for about 4-5 months with no aggression issues. I would like some different tangs so I need to know if I should take some out to put others in?
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