
it sounds like you NEED a bigger tank, if you know what I mean. It took some time but I finally sold the wife on it so she could have her lipstick naso tang. Now I have a 220 and am understocked. Good luck.
So far so good. Everyone seems happy and healthy. I'll continue to perform weekly water changes.

On an unrelated note, just the other day I had my hand in the tank and I was cleaning the glass, and my Maroon Clown, Miggy, started attacking my hand. It was fun.
I have a similar situation. I have a tank with two young clowns, two smaller firefish, and a decent sized Lawnmower blenny. I wanted to get a neon goby, just for a color besides orange and white. I got the tank from my Chemisty teacher when she left. I helped her stock it over a year ago, and watched her kill them all off by overstocking it by a couple of mandarins... I just don't want to watch my nice tank fall apart.