PA order # 782636061


Premium Member
Hey guys, I received my Geo 612 and it looks like a great piece of equipment. I didn't receive it until Friday afternoon so I checked it all out Saturday morning and I found that it is missing the green filter pad that goes above the media...I tried calling but no answer on Sat. after hours. I don't know what happened here but I can't use the reactor without it. I would appreciate it if you would forward it A.S.A.P. Thank you, Ray Kahler.:rollface:
Hi Ray,

I believe they discontinued the use of the sponge, but i'm going to double check that. Hopefully find out over the weekend for you.

Thanks for the speedy reply. The sponge is mentioned in the instructions but they are a bit vague. You guys have been great to work withso far, let me know what you find out. Thanks.

Geo did stop using the green sponge and is now placing the black screeen in there in place of that. The sponge was getting too mudge "sludge" build up over time and not allowing proper flow through the unit.

O.K. last question. Or two... Don't I need two of the black screens then? What keeps the media from falling through the bottom stand / table?:confused:
Put your black screen on the bottom and then let your top run open. Do not fill the media clear to the top. Leave a few inches from the lid to where the media is and you should be just fine.