Palys taking over my zoas :(


New member
Hi! My husband and I bought an awesome trio rock from My reef to Yours (awesome website with great prices!!) And it has 2 different kinds of palys and some whammin watermelons on it. When we 1st got it all the polyps seemed to be the same.size and the watermelons being more than thw palys. Now about a month later there's still the same number of polyps but the palys have gotten so big you can hardly see the.zoas. will the palys drown out the zoas? Should I try and remove the palys? And if so how do I do that with out hurting them or the zoas? Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!! Sorry for the pics but I hope you can see what I'm talking about uploadfromtaptalk1394566015292.jpguploadfromtaptalk1394566033352.jpg
those paly's can be a real pest, I have had them for years. One can turn into many in no time at all, and yes they will choke out other zoas or just about any other coral they can grow on. I pluck them with tweezers, thing is if you don't get all the tissue they grow a new polyp. If you can remove the rock from the tank, and pull off the paly's over time you can remove them all. Be careful if you remove them in the tank, if one gets away it will grow somewhere else in the tank.
I would spend hours plucking them off the rock then in a couple months you couldn't tell I did anything, kalkwasser doesn't kill them, and unaware of anything that eats them. I have read that these paly's do contain palytoxin, so be careful.

I throw them down the drain
Get the Palys out of the rock and isolate them on their own rock.
Cut off the polyps from the rock. Make sure you get the whole polyp out of that rock!
Use a sharp thin knife and be very careful not to cut yourself.
Forget razor blades!
Goggles, gloves and a closed mouth!!! No pets/kids around!
Clean up very well after doing that!!
All that is to prevent palytoxin poisoning.

You can glue the plays with super glue gel on the new rock and let them there.
They won't invade your tank like aiptasia does.
