Palys vs Zoas


Are palys usually larger than zoas? I have some palys that are visible from several feet away in my tank. On the other hand, I bought two different kinds of zoas and you really have to get close up to see them well. In pictures zoas look nice and big maybe cuz they're zoomed in.....
Are palys usually larger than zoas? I have some palys that are visible from several feet away in my tank. On the other hand, I bought two different kinds of zoas and you really have to get close up to see them well. In pictures zoas look nice and big maybe cuz they're zoomed in.....

Our palys are a lot bigger than our zoas and I think that is very common.
Yeah, Palys are bigger than Zoas. I would guess about twice the size of Zoas. Zoas tend to be much more colorful.
Palys are the protopalys like captain America, nuke greens and purple deaths, all others are zoa but due to mislabeling and marketing, palys and zoa can be used interchangeably and doesn't matter on size or shape.
Lots of misleading information here. Size is absolutely irrelevant, as is color. There are 4-5 zoanthid species at least and palythoa have numerous species as well. Aguilla88psi is correct in that those species are protopalythoa. People Eaters are Zoanthid gigantus, which dwarf a lot of palys; Fruit Loops are Zoanthid sociatus; Cinnamon palys are Palythoa grandis; yellow polyps are parazoanthus...
The defining difference is that palythoa incorporate bits of sand and substrate into their stalk and cheonochyme (sp?) and zoanthids don't, which can hinder ID of captive strains because we all know that zoas grow on little plugs, not sand... Beyond that, the size/type of cheonochyme helps in ID. Most of the "palys" I see for sale are actually zoas.
That's a pretty good write up. Thanks for sharing. I do take issue with the slit mouth as means of classification. One of People Eaters defining characteristics is a green slit mouth and they are a Zoanthus species.
Learn something new everyday. I cant find size i read the size stuff on. If i ever find it again i will ref but know i know it was wrong :)
I am now concerned about palytoxin and skin tumors. These lil buggers have too many ways to kill you.. Something I need to read up on in the referenced scientific articles.