

New member
Question- my colony or mushrooms have these strange white things that look like either worms or tentacles. They range from about 1/4 of an inch to one inch in length and were spotted in clusters coming out of the mouths of the polyps. This is the first time I've ever seen them since I bought the colony several months ago. I can't get a pic- sorry- and am willing to be as descriptive as possible if that helps. This sound familiar to anybody? Are these things harmful? Can I get rid of them if they are? Thanks for the info!
Yeah- since I posted I've done a little more research and found that they are guts- thanks for the confirmation! Glad I'm not as impulsive as I used to be as well. You think it could be stress? Ok- that's a possibility- these things showed up right after the lights went out- mabey I shut them off too quickly? They're not on timers and so they all get clicked on at the same time. Could the sudden light change trigger this? If so, I'm going to get the ol'timers up and running again.

Could water parameters also cause this? My testing kit expired a month ago and I haven't had a chance to get another one.

Also- here's a random thought- what is the advantage of an organism being able to eject its own organs? Seems to me like an unfavorable trait to survival if an organism could expose its organs to possible predators...but that's out of the scope of my situation.
I just got a couple shrooms from a friend today. One of them had their guts hanging out, and I stupidly tried to remove them thinking they were a parasite (idiotic I know.) Think I might have severed it :(. The shroom is sitting in the tank all closed up now...think he'll make it?
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Ouch!!!! I think it's possible that it will make it. I have heard of people ripping them in half to propogate them and if that doesnt kill them!!!!!