

Premium Member
Where can I find driver unit 6125.700? I have two streams that run backwards on startup. I'm hoping replacing the driver units will fix it.
I would first try to identify the cause, in only one case is a new drive unit needed and I will list the 5 known causes in order of probability.

1) Magnet and prop assembly are stuck to the metal shaft. The magnet and prop should be free to spin on the shaft and slide back and forth on the shaft. Cleaning will solve this.

2) At some point in the past the disk may have been installed in front of the propeller instead of behind it. The disk should always be behind the magnet, never in front of the propeller.

3) The propeller ends are broken, if the prop has broken worn or jagged ends, this is the one case where a new drive unit is what is needed.

4) The front housing may be damaged, behind the cross hatch in the front housing are 4 stop tabs which stop the prop from spinning backwards. These can break but it is rare. You will see if you remove the front covers 4 swoops from the cross to the side wall, check that these are OK, a bit of wear is fine, but no major wear or chunks missing.

5) The voltage may be too low, in the US this is rare, but it is common in latin america and the caribbean. Voltage below 105 will cause this. If a large halide or AC or vacuum cleaner comes on at about the same time as the pump it is a possible cause. It can also happen if the house is very old and has older wiring but in general this is not a common issue.
I checked and could not find any stop tabs. I couldn't find any signs of breakage either though. When I start the pump the impellar moves forward and spins the wrong way. I take something soft like airline tubing and give it a poke. The impellar moves back and spins correctly. So it sounds like the front housing to me.
The circled area here shows the stop tabs; they're the curved part at the end of each arm of the crosshatch.

They are part 6205.130, you could order them on but this is an unusual issue and I would prefer you call us today so we can try to figure out why this happened and if you do need the parts I would like to at least discount them. 512-833-7546.